Chapter 38 Zhang Yu Sheng

An Yiqing, without any concealment, told Gu Yelin and Ye Feng the diagnosis and the treatment method. Most people couldn't bear such pain, and it required Ye Feng to make his own decision.

When Ye Feng heard An Yiqing say that his leg could be healed, his heart was as shocked as if it had been struck by waves. He didn't feel like An Yiqing was exaggerating her abilities; after all, someone recommended by Gu Yelin was certainly trustworthy. Moreover, upon hearing those incredible treatment methods, Ye Feng felt not fear but a surge of excitement. Pain didn't frighten him; he could endure any sort of pain. He only hoped he could return to normal, fight side by side with his boss and his comrades, and convince his brother to give up the idea of becoming a madman for medicine! He yearned for a life full of iron and blood, not to sit in a wheelchair, wasted away.

I accept the treatment," Ye Feng agreed to An Yiqing's harsh treatment plan without any hesitation.