Chapter 67: Suturing of the Meridians

An Yiqing was using the Bone Shattering Technique inherited from the Medicine Sect's Secret Technique, the essence of which is that after the bones are shattered and rejoined, there are no aftermath complications, as if the injury never occurred. However, since this was the Inner Breath Bone Shattering Technique, the pain involved was incomparable to that of ordinary fractures. In the history of the Medicine Sect, many had attempted to use this method to treat bone diseases for patients, yet very few could endure the process.

"Can you hold on?"

Ye Feng gasped fiercely, sweat beads rolling down his pale face, his voice somewhat tremorous: "I can! Continue!"

An Yiqing nodded slightly upon hearing this, her hands moving faster and faster, and the frequency of the palm strikes increased. Gradually, a fine layer of sweat appeared on An Yiqing's delicate nose.