Chapter 73 Lin Chengming's Request

"Ring, ring, ring..."

Just as she got into the taxi, An Yiqing's phone started ringing. It was a strange number.


"God Doctor An?" the voice on the other end was somewhat cautious, "I'm Lin Chengming, we've met before at the 'Red Thorn' Base."

"Chairman Lin, hello." An Yiqing naturally remembered him—the Lin Group, specializing in electronics, was a well-known large enterprise domestically.

"Hello, hello, God Doctor An, a relative of mine has come down with a strange illness, I wonder when you might have time..."

"Tomorrow or the day after is possible."

"Good, good! God Doctor An, how about we meet tomorrow at Yun Assembly Hall? The illness of my family member is somewhat... um... embarrassing to mention..." Lin Chengming's words were hurried, as if there was some unspeakable secret.

"I understand. Tomorrow at one in the afternoon, see you at Yun Assembly Hall."