Chapter 111: Poisoning (7)

Only An Yiqing, even as a life-or-death friend, could not be let go!

"You stop right there! Gu Yelin, you stop right there!" As she watched Gu Yelin's departing figure, Qin Jia stomped her foot in annoyance and hurried to catch up.

"You stand still!" A deep male voice rang out, and a middle-aged man around fifty years old stepped out from the crowd.

"Dad!" Qin Jia turned her head and called out displeasedly to the middle-aged man, "Gu Yelin, he..."

"What about him!" Before Qin Jia could finish, the middle-aged man frowned and reprimanded her in a low voice, "Don't you realize the occasion? Let's talk back at home!"

Qin Jia's dark pupils flickered, a trace of reluctance flashing in her eyes, but she dared not say anything more and obediently followed the middle-aged man away.

"Wow! I just remembered who An Yiqing is!" After Qin Jia left, a surprised shout suddenly came from the dazed crowd, "She, she's that God Doctor An who has been the talk of Xuandu City!"