011, Reconnaissance Second Company's Nightmare_1

With Mo Shangjun's results setting the precedent and Lang Yan's fair record keeping, the harsh reality viciously slapped the men of Reconnaissance Second Company across the face, smack-smack-smack, three crisp and resounding slaps.

As they assembled once again in formation, no one uttered a word. Those young men, some dejected, some unwilling and angry, and others stubbornly defiant, but no matter what they thought, they couldn't utter a single word in the face of the results announced by Lang Yan.


With his hands in his pockets, Mo Shangjun approached them in a lazy saunter, and that languid term of address was like pouring fuel on fire, igniting the entire company at once.


Reality was staring them in the face, and no matter how unwilling, frustrated, or fiery they were, they had no reason to rebel!

If their abilities were inferior, they were the ones losing face!

"I believe you're now quite clear on whether you qualify to train with me." Standing idly in front of them, in stark contrast to their heavy self-reproach, Mo Shangjun seemed relaxed and at ease, "Starting next week, I will be setting your training schedule. For those who complete it according to the regulations, there will be no rewards; for those who don't… I'm sorry, but I think the existence of a punishment system to a certain extent is quite effective in stirring up fighting spirit."

By the end of it, Mo Shangjun's smile was full and sincere.

However, everyone in the company, including Lin Qi and Lai Liang, had a distinct sense of ominous foreboding.

They could foresee that the days ahead would bring earth-shattering changes. The Reconnaissance Second Company's future, if not hellish, was then just a doorstep away from hell.


In the formation, Lai Liang, determined to compete with Mo Shangjun, once again shouted out firmly.

Mo Shangjun glanced at him coolly, "Speak."

"Starting next week, will you be leading the training yourself?" Lai Liang's voice rang out loud and clear.

"Not necessarily."

Mo Shangjun replied nonchalantly, without going into detail.

She would naturally train with them when she had the time, but this wasn't absolute. She had her own duties and her training plans; she couldn't always be in sync with them, but there was no need to explain that. They only needed to know the outcome.


This time, it was Lin Qi calling out.

Mo Shangjun's eyebrows lifted slightly, her expression a bit impatient, "Last question."

"During training, if any of us rookies outdo you, may I ask if you will punish yourself?!" Lin Qi's voice was cool, with a clear challenge.


With a slight curl of her lips, Mo Shangjun's reply was decisive.

Similarly, without a clear reason.

In fact, she was confident she wouldn't lose, but facing a group of energetic young men, it would be quite a headache if she made any assurances in advance.

Who knew what they might do.

The questioning ended there, and Mo Shangjun showed no intention of continuing to speak.

"Alright, your deputy company leader just came to say hello today," Lang Yan, determined to stand by Mo Shangjun's side, also stepped out in time, smiling merrily at them, "It's getting late, and your afternoon training hasn't even started yet. Go on, get moving."

By the end of it, Lang Yan's face was full of heartfelt concern, as if every word was spoken in their best interest.


The formation erupted into turmoil!

"Company leader, we're out of time!"

"Company leader, we've been delayed by two hours!"

"Company leader, this…"



Just as everyone was complaining to high heaven, Lang Yan produced a whistle in his hand and blew it sharply three times, just as Mo Shangjun had done.

In an instant, everyone tacitly stopped their grumbling.

"The delay is your own doing," Lang Yan said, standing with his hands behind his back as the team quieted down, his expression turning severe, "You've already lost so badly, and yet you're still thinking about how to shirk work? Have you no last shred of self-respect?! The training load this afternoon remains unchanged, and anyone with objections will have it doubled! If you haven't finished by six, don't even think about having dinner!"

After the stern warning, no one in the formation made a sound.

They could tell that the company commander was truly angered.

Although the company commander was usually easy-going, he still maintained a minimum of dignity, and once they really felt his wrath, none dared to rebel.

Right then, the three platoon leaders exchanged glances and, after a silent mutual understanding, led their platoons away.

In accordance with Lang Yan's orders, the afternoon training load was carried out to the letter!

Mo Shangjun stood by, silently watching, without uttering a word.

"How about that, pretty strict, huh?"

As soon as he turned to face Mo Shangjun, Lang Yan immediately put on a playful and smiling face, his sternness and anger vanishing without a trace in that moment.


Mo Shangjun was at a loss for words.


Evening, seven o'clock.

The sky was pitch black, with only the streetlights casting a feeble glow in the dark expanse.

Xilan Military District, guest house.

An army-green jeep drove slowly along the road, coming to a stop at the entrance.

No sooner had the car halted than the rear door opened and a man in an army uniform stepped out.

Beside him, a century-old tree stood, its lush foliage obscuring the beams of the two lights by the door. The man's tall figure disappeared into the dim darkness; a gust of wind swept by, rustling the leaves to the ground, creating a desolate and magnificent scene behind him.

As the jeep drove away, Mu Cheng, who had been waiting at the door for a while, brightened up at the sight of the man, and then strode towards him with purpose.


Mu Cheng saluted the man with due respect.

The man lowered his eyelids and gave him a glance, his icy gaze suggesting "Speak your business."

"I've just received word, the individual you took an interest in yesterday rejected our invitation," said Mu Cheng, his hands down by his sides, standing straight as he spoke with a crisp, decisive tone.


The man's brow furrowed slightly, his voice chilling to the bone.

"She said she isn't interested in having her abilities assessed by others!" Mu Cheng answer swiftly, with a hint of hesitation, he cautiously cast a glance at the man, and then added with some difficulty, "Additionally, she mentioned that this may not be her opportunity."

These were the words the battalion commander had told him, which he had memorized after just one hearing, repeating them now almost verbatim.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, a subtle flicker of amusement crossed the detached and indifferent gaze of the man. After a moment, he asked deliberately, "What is the schedule for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Saturday; there's nothing planned for the morning. In the afternoon, there's a visit to the tank battalion, and in the evening, you have a meeting with the squadron commander to discuss the assessment details."

"In the morning, go to the Reconnaissance Camp."

With a brief comment, the man bypassed Mu Cheng and walked through the guest house's entrance.


Mu Cheng, who hesitated for a moment, then belatedly responded.

Another visit to the Reconnaissance Camp?

Good heavens, was their formidable captain planning to personally "invite" someone?