014, then take the first place_1

In view of the task of arranging for new soldiers being my own responsibility, Mo Shangjun could not help but arrange everything meticulously, even if she found it bothersome.

Reconnaissance Camp's new recruits were all top picks from various new soldier companies, and this time, eighteen were assigned to their Reconnaissance Second Company. Mo Shangjun adopted a system of even distribution, allocating an equal number of new soldiers to each platoon, which came down to two for every squad.

For two consecutive days, busy with assigning new recruits, handling their information and records, preparing for the welcome party for new soldiers, and incidentally intimidating that bunch of old soldiers, Mo Shangjun had already put the matter with a certain officer out of her mind.

On Monday, around two o'clock in the afternoon, the new recruits were brought to the company base.

Lang Yan had a meeting to attend, and though he had agreed to join Mo Shangjun in "welcoming the new soldiers," he had to break the appointment in the end.

Mo Shangjun had no choice but to wait downstairs at the dormitory building with the three platoon leaders in tow.

The bus stopped by the road, and the eighteen got off one by one. Faces full of youthful vigor appeared, and just like that, their youthful spirit spread instantly.

The three platoon leaders exchanged glances and silently sympathized with them for three seconds in their hearts.

Encountering Mo Shangjun was their sorrow.


Mo Shangjun blew the whistle in her hand, the piercing sound immediately penetrated the eardrums of all the new recruits.

At once, the newbies lingered in confusion for a moment, but fortunately, they were all sharp soldiers and did not just stand there stupefied. After spotting their target outside the dormitory building, they hurried over and promptly formed into ranks.

Six rows, three columns, nice and orderly.

Eighteen pairs of eyes were uniformly fixed on Mo Shangjun, not disguising their astonishment and scrutiny.

Goodness gracious, a female leader?

"My name is Mo Shangjun, your deputy company commander," Mo Shangjun fiddled with the whistle, yet her expression was dead serious, "Welcome to Reconnaissance Second Company. Starting today, you officially take your first step in your military career."

Upon hearing this, the recruits were full of passion, while the three platoon leaders exchanged looks and breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

That's good.

It was quite normal, and she hadn't started on her offensive mode.

"Of course, I'd like to give you a heads-up," standing with her hands behind her back, Mo Shangjun maintained a straight posture in front of everyone, her presence as imposing as ever, she enunciated clearly, "In the days to come, some of you might regret, some of you might feel proud, but now listen clearly, this is Reconnaissance Company, the army's sharp blade! If you want to become a sharp blade, you must pay a certain price, so—"

Her words paused just as the three platoon leaders were at their wits' end, Mo Shangjun's tone then grew heavier, "Anyone not ready mentally can apply to leave now!"


The entire formation was silent as a graveyard.

Those eyes that had been brimming with dazzling light, now took on a layer of bewilderment.

They couldn't quite understand whether this was an intimidation tactic or simply "honest advice."

What they were certain of was that this beautiful deputy company commander was not as friendly and gentle as she first appeared.

On the contrary, she seemed quite unapproachable.

After waiting a moment without hearing anyone speak up, Mo Shangjun tilted her head slightly and gave Zhang Zheng a look.

Zhang Zheng, understanding the cue, immediately stepped forward while he sighed in relief.

"Now, listen carefully to your assignments," taking out a list, Zhang Zheng with a stern square face instantly intimidated the group of new recruits.

The recruits, with mixed emotions, listened obediently to his assignments.

Eighteen people, divided into three groups, lined up in front of the three platoon leaders, and once everyone had been assigned, Mo Shangjun gestured for the platoon leaders to take them upstairs.

Mo Shangjun had intended to stroll over to the training field to see the old soldiers at their training, but as soon as she turned around, she bumped into the instructor coming her way.


Mo Shangjun greeted with gravity.

"Have all the new soldiers arrived?"


"You..." The instructor hesitated for a moment, his voice filled with earnest concern, "don't bully them."


Her eyes flickered slightly as Mo Shangjun acknowledged.

"Did you promise?" the instructor asked, not reassured.

After a thought, Mo Shangjun responded in a different manner, "I won't demand of them the standards I set for myself."


The instructor's mouth twitched.


With the standards she demanded of herself, these new recruits wouldn't last half a day before keeling over!

And yet she had the audacity to say that!

"Forget it, the task was assigned by Lang Yan, I won't interfere," the instructor waved his hand, then shifted the topic, "There's a welcome party for the recruits tonight, have you prepared your speech?"

"Uh." Mo Shangjun looked up at the sky.

"Get it prepared quickly!" the instructor fumed.


Mo Shangjun promptly agreed.

"Also, every quarter, the Reconnaissance Camp conducts an assessment to recognize the best platoon. Our Second Platoon has been ranked last for over half a year now, and the new recruits we've been assigned are a mixed bunch, with just a few decent ones..." The more he spoke, the more apparent the instructor's hinting became.

"When is the next assessment?" Mo Shangjun casually interrupted him.

"End of February."

"You want first place?"

"We don't need to be first, just not last again is good enough."

With only three platoons in total, not wanting first but also not wanting to be last left only second place.

After considering it, Mo Shangjun clapped her hands and decided with conviction, "Then we'll aim for first."

"..." The instructor looked at her meaningfully, "Girl, don't overpromise."

"Instructor," Mo Shangjun stepped forward, a smile tinging her eyes as she patted his shoulder and spoke with a light smile, "just put your heart at ease, you watch."


The instructor was left speechless by her confidence.

Mo Shangjun tucked her hands into her pants pockets, turned around, and walked away with flair.


Having interned at a military academy before, this wasn't Mo Shangjun's first time leading troops, so the issue of "whether or not we can take first place" wasn't a concern for her.

On the contrary, writing the speech was what actually gave her a headache for two minutes.

It wasn't that she couldn't write, but that writing it was a pain.

So, after pacing around the office, Mo Shangjun went to the dormitory, took out her cell phone, and called Mu Qixuan.

"Little Gutou, what's up?" Mu Qixuan's voice was as always, refreshing.

"Do you have a speech handy?" Mo Shangjun touched her nose and got straight to the point.

After a pause, Mu Qixuan caught on, "New recruits have arrived?"


"I have plenty of those speeches," said Mu Qixuan, hinting at something.

"But?" Mo Shangjun picked up the cue.

"I've heard about your assessment, and so has the instructor," Mu Qixuan spoke with ease, "You know how the instructor is, he always wants you to take things seriously and participate actively in events, grab some certificates and awards on the way, at least for appearances."

"I think it's pointless," Mo Shangjun said indifferently.


"I'll think about it."

"Lately, the instructor's wife mentioned they're running low on some liquor at home..." His tone mischievous, Mu Qixuan implied something.

Mo Shangjun raised an eyebrow, "Senior, that's not very ethical of you..."

"I've sent the speech to your email. I didn't say anything," Mu Qixuan quickly changed the subject.

Mo Shangjun couldn't help but laugh.