040, check on internal affairs_1

Mo Shangjun, personally inspecting the dormitory for the first time, had near draconian requirements for their upkeep.

She inspected each dormitory one by one.

During the inspection, any communication between dormitories was strictly prohibited.

As expected, once she had finished her inspection, everyone had done push-ups, more or less.

The group was bitterly resentful.

"Notify everyone, there will be a surprise inspection of the dorms tonight."

Upon exiting the last dormitory, Mo Shangjun dusted off her hands and charged Zhang Zheng, standing in a row, with her orders.


Zhang Zheng replied sternly.

"Go have your meal," Mo Shangjun ordered indifferently.


Once again, Zhang Zheng responded, his tone and manner unchanged.

Mo Shangjun shot him a glance and, with a dormitory check-in sheet in her hand, strode away with great steps.

When she left, the people from each dormitory emerged, each with a face as bitter as a melon.