057, what's up, you want to catch up?_1

"Tired, rushing to get back to sleep. Do you want to fight, or just hand over the hostage to me?"

This lazy voice was unmistakably Mo Shangjun's!

Startled, An Chen's foot slipped and pressed down on the accelerator, and the jeep instantly charged down the slope.

The road ahead was a turn; the speed was too fast, and the jeep shot straight towards a tree!

An Chen quickly pressed down on the brake.

Due to inertia, his body lurched backward, feeling as if crushed by a powerful force, and a crashing sound came from behind.

His heart sinking, An Chen cursed silently.

The car slid down the road, leaving clear traces before finally stopping when facing the tree.

However, before he could catch his breath, An Chen felt a coldness at his neck, and his nerves tensed up.

"Fuck, are you looking to die?!"

A cold voice rang out from behind him.

A drawn dagger was pressed against his throat.