064, Awesome, awesome, thank you for letting me win_1

The people of the second platoon, almost the moment Mo Shangjun appeared, nervously turned the corners of their eyes toward her.

Therefore, upon hearing the whistle, they immediately assembled here, not daring to slack off in the least.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was present.

Mo Shangjun took two steps forward, "Here's the situation. In light of your hard work in shoveling the snow clean for the first platoon, Platoon Leader Chen..."

At this point, she paused, turned her body slightly, and glanced at Chen Ke.

A sense of foreboding immediately rose in Chen Ke's heart.

"Platoon Leader Chen, especially call the first platoon together and say a word of thanks to them," Mo Shangjun said with a smile, extremely sincere even though she was obviously joking, making it sound as though it were true.

As soon as the words were spoken, Chen Ke and the group of people behind him all looked crestfallen.