067, I can do everything_1

The cold wind was bleak, and the sky was overcast.

Atop the platform, either standing or sitting, there were four figures.

The red-brick building, the only one for kilometers around, had long been abandoned, worn and dilapidated. From atop it, one could take in all the surrounding views.

The area was about twenty square meters, with one sniper posted at each of the north, south, east, and west sides, surrounded by knee-high walls.

Mo Shangjun was sitting on the low wall, her right leg bent and resting on it, with the elbow of her right arm propped on her knee. Her slender left leg dangled over the wall, high above the empty expanse beneath the ten-meter-tall structure.

Over her left shoulder, she carried a sniper rifle - a Type 88, 5.8mm caliber, weighing 4.1kg, 920mm in length, with a 620mm barrel, an effective range of 800m, and a magazine capacity of 10 rounds. It was small-caliber, powerful, and met precision standards.

The widely used sniper rifle throughout the army.