071, You can be even more shameless_1

Mo Shangjun ignored him.

Ya Tianxing chuckled softly, after sharing the chocolate with Ye Qianxiao and Ruan Yan, he began to deal with the two fish he had brought.

There was a river nearby, and although it was winter, it wasn't a problem to find a couple of fish if one had the skills.

However, when he was making the wooden sticks for skewering the fish, his movements were incredibly slow: he found two branches, stripped off the extra twigs, and then carved them bit by bit, leisurely.

He sharpened one end at a time, whittling away until sawdust littered the ground, and then he did the other end, to easily pierce the fish's body.

Bored out of her mind, Mo Shangjun watched his movements for a while, then couldn't stand it any longer, "I'll do it."

A piece of wood, could he be carving it into a flower?

To her reaction, Ya Tianxing was not surprised at all and calmly handed over the branch to her.