074, The matter of communicating, easy to discuss, easy to discuss! _1

Half an hour later.

Ya Tianxing had caught four fish and had also taken the time to clean them.

He scraped off the scales, removed the innards and gills, and then threaded the four fish onto some long grass from the riverbank.

Having done all this, Ya Tianxing stood up and went to look at the spot where Mo Shangjun had been sitting earlier, only to find it empty. On both sides of the rock were cut branches and leaves, and on the rock itself sat four neatly carved sticks, all of the same length and carved with the same pressure, as if molded from the same template.

Arranged and displayed, facing directly toward him.

He didn't believe it wasn't meant to tease him.

Ya Tianxing hesitated for a moment, then decided not to use his throat mic to contact Mo Shangjun, but instead walked straight toward the rock.

Once the fish were placed down, he caught the four sticks in his palm, sat on the rock, and simply waited for her there.

After about ten minutes, Mo Shangjun finally appeared.