109, Understand, can understand! [Second update]_2


Usually when Mother has her birthday, she buys cosmetics, clothes, jewellery, perfumes, flowers, and so on. She usually goes to the mall, asks someone for gift recommendations for mother, and then many people enthusiastically make suggestions to her.

She picks directly from their selections.

If she's slow, it takes half an hour, if fast, five minutes is enough to settle it.

Mo Shangjun admitted to herself that this perfunctory behavior was somewhat flattering even to talk about "thoughtfulness".

Now, Ya Tianxing helped her send a commemorative military saber, an "appealing to the heart" gift beyond the ordinary... When found out, Mo Shangjun wasn't surprised.

Seeing that Mo Shangshuang remained silent, Mo Shangjun, with a headache, pressed her brow and sought a topic to ask, "What is she doing?"

After a slight pause, Mo Shangshuang replied, "Fobbing people off."
