123, the bud of love has not yet grown_1

Mo Shangjun had an excellent ability to remember things instantly, but she didn't possess the skill to permanently remember a string of numbers after seeing it a few times.

So, she wasn't certain.

On the other end, there was a pause.

She heard rustling sounds, but no one speaking.

Mo Shangjun waited a full ten seconds, and just as she hadn't heard any movement and was about to hang up the phone, she heard a noise—


The voice was clear and male, seemingly not much older than her, and also somewhat familiar.

In any case, it wasn't Ya Tianxing.

"Who is this?" Mo Shangjun withdrew her hand and asked lazily.

Because she was on speakerphone, Mo Shangjun didn't wait in place. After asking offhandedly, she turned and walked towards the desk across from her.

"I am Mu Cheng, looking for Commander Lang."

This time, the voice from the other end came quickly.