What to do if something affects a person's image? _2

At the very least, maintaining the current state wasn't a problem.

Mo Shangjun began personally supervising their training.

In the last half month, the critical juncture, the overall strength of the Second Company had improved and was enough to compete with two other companies, but Mo Shangjun wasn't absolutely certain, so naturally, the training couldn't be relaxed.


Her luck wasn't very good.

Just a few days after starting the training, the weather changed unexpectedly, with intermittent clouds and occasional downpours, followed by a drizzle that persisted for several days, causing the temperature that had just begun to warm, to drop again, making the spring air chilly.

The weather was not on their side, which made training all the more difficult.

On the third day of rain, the instructor, wearing a raincoat, made a round of the training field, returned to the Dormitory Office Building all wet, and had a rather serious talk with Lang Yan.