Chapter 2 200000000000_1

The old man outside had a profound gaze, his hand holding the cane wrapped in snow-white gloves. The woman by his side had snow-white skin, her legs long and slender, encased in black silk, exuding a sensual charm.

"You were looking for me?" Bai Xiaosheng asked in surprise.

He didn't recognize the two people outside the door, but strangely, the old man looked eerily familiar to him, compelling him to take a few extra glances.

"Yes, we were looking for you," the old man smiled. "Mr. Bai Xiaosheng."

"I don't know you," Bai Xiaosheng frowned.

The old man kept smiling, not bothered by the fact that Bai Xiaosheng was speaking from behind the door; he calmly introduced himself, "I am Situ Yin, the butler of Mr. Bai Zhenbei, chairman of the Zhenbei Group. Mr. Bai Xiaosheng, if you have any doubts about this, feel free to verify."

Bai Zhenbei, the Zhenbei Group?

Bai Xiaosheng initially did not react, but when he came to his senses, he was startled. Who was Bai Zhenbei? One of the world's top thirty wealthiest people! The Zhenbei Group, that was an even more colossal global conglomerate!

The old man before him also emanated a special aura, dignified and elegant, commanding respect without showing anger.

Such an aura could neither be feigned nor imitated.

A thought struck Bai Xiaosheng, who quickly took out his phone and started searching. The old man watched him with a smile.

Bai Xiaosheng found the pictures online, zoomed in to the maximum, and compared them with the old man before him.

Down to the crow's feet, they were identical—the personal butler of Bai Zhenbei!

Here was such an important figure standing right outside his door, and Bai Xiaosheng felt like he was dreaming. He quickly opened the door; it would be impolite to keep him waiting.

"Please come in, Mr. Situ," Bai Xiaosheng said, shocked but with no trace of panic or sycophancy on his face.

He was just a bit puzzled – why would such a magnate, and such an insignificant person, look for him?

"No need, let's just talk right here, it's fine," Situ Yin nodded, showing some appreciation for Bai Xiaosheng's demeanor.

Bai Xiaosheng didn't insist and stood respectfully with his hands down like a junior.

"We are here on a matter of great importance to discuss with you," Situ Yin's smile faded, and his expression grew more somber.

"Perhaps, I should address you as Mr. Bai Xiaosheng, because—" Situ Yin straightened his back and tapped his cane, "Mr. Bai Zhenbei is your granduncle."

As he spoke, a glint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the woman standing beside Situ Yin.

Bai Xiaosheng was dumbfounded.

The statement was like a bolt from the blue.

Bai Zhenbei, his great-uncle? His grandfather had died early, and he had never heard his grandmother or father mention this.

Could there be a mistake? A hint of skepticism flickered in Bai Xiaosheng's eyes.

"Rest assured, we do not make mistakes," seeing Bai Xiaosheng's astonishment, Situ Yin confidently stated, "Please do not underestimate our ability."

Indeed, if Zhenbei Group could get this wrong, how could it stand at the pinnacle of the world's business echelons?

Am I truly the grandson of a world-class conglomerate's head? Bai Xiaosheng's heart couldn't help but pound.

"At present, Mr. Bai Zhenbei is in poor health, and as per his wishes, you will be considered as the successor of Zhenbei Group and will undergo an assessment," Situ Yin said each word clearly.

Bai Xiaosheng hadn't recovered from the previous shock when he was thoroughly stunned again.

He was to inherit Zhenbei?!

Bai Xiaosheng subconsciously felt he needed to say something, but what?

"How much money does Zhenbei have?" As soon as the words left his mouth, Bai Xiaosheng himself felt embarrassed. Indeed, one can be frightened by poverty.

To this, Situ Yin just smiled.

"According to last year's financial reports, the valuation of Zhenbei Group is roughly two trillion."

Two trillion!

Bai Xiaosheng was truly frightened.

"If you want to inherit Zhenbei Group, you must complete a challenge," Situ Yin reminded. "According to Mr. Bai Zhenbei's request, you must start from the grassroots level of the company and experience ten different positions within ten years. No matter where you are at the end of those ten years, the assessment will conclude."

A ten-year challenge to become the president of a world-class conglomerate?!

Bai Xiaosheng looked incredulously at Situ Yin, thinking it more fantastical than the most outlandish fairy tale.

Situ Yin extended his hand, and the beautiful woman beside him promptly handed him something—a square silver box.

"This was entrusted to me by Mr. Bai Zhenbei to pass on to you. Inside there is a global pass for the group's identity card, a world bank gold card, and as for the rest, I do not know."

"That is all."

Situ Yin handed the box to Bai Xiaosheng, then with a pause of his cane, "Good luck to you, my future president."

Bai Xiaosheng clutched the box in a daze, as Situ Yin gave him a deep look before turning to leave. The woman cast a lingering glance at Bai Xiaosheng for two seconds, then stepped to follow.

Bai Xiaosheng just stood there dumbly, watching them go, and it took a long while for him to come back to his senses.

He, a struggling worker who had repeatedly suffered indignities because of money, was suddenly about to inherit a world-class consortium...

"I must be dreaming!"

Bai Xiaosheng felt unsteady on his feet, having no idea how he got back to his workstation.

After a long pause, he opened the box. The bank gold card and identity card were on top, exquisitely crafted. Additionally, there was something else in the box, a fist-sized silver cube.

That object, Situ Yin had not mentioned.

Curious, Bai Xiaosheng reached out, when suddenly, a beam of red light burst from the cube, sweeping over the palm of his hand like a scanner. The object unfolded layer by layer, blossoming like a lotus.

Bai Xiaosheng hastily withdrew his hand, blinded by a piercing light, and suddenly felt an impact on his forehead, followed by a tingling sensation spreading across his scalp.

Bai Xiaosheng was startled, feeling first drowsy, and then a clarity he had never experienced flooded his mind. He looked around in astonishment, noticing an unprecedented sharpness in everything around him.

"Nanochip implantation successful."

Suddenly, a voice delicate as a silver bell echoed in Bai Xiaosheng's mind.

Someone there?! Bai Xiaosheng jumped with fright, spinning around only to see nothing.

The voice continued, "Identity information: Bai Xiaosheng, workplace level: employee, activation funds: one million yuan exactly. Permission level one, activating assistance feature—search engine!"

Bai Xiaosheng, alarmed, searched around, finally confirming the voice was inside his head.

"Hello, I am Red Lotus, developed by Zhenbei Group's Biological Engineering Research Institute No. 0, an artificial intelligence system. Next, I will convey a private audio message from Mr. Bai Zhenbei."

Nanochip, artificial intelligence? Bai Xiaosheng grabbed a mirror and could barely see a tiny pinhole at his forehead.

"Bai Xiaosheng." Before Bai Xiaosheng could think further, an old and frail voice started speaking, weak but filled with affection and kindness.

Bai Xiaosheng was taken aback; the voice sounded so much like his grandfather's.

"I am Bai Zhenbei, your great uncle. Although we have not met, I know everything about you, and I believe you also have some understanding of me."

"I am nearing the end of my life and I want you to inherit my estate. I am giving you ten years to complete the task, to go from the grassroots to president and experience a life like never before!"

"Red Lotus is something even Situ does not know about, my personal assistance to you in the end."

"Oh, by the way, I have also adopted two children, similar in age to you. I believe you will meet them soon."

"Work hard, my child!"

The voice stopped abruptly, leaving Bai Xiaosheng standing silently.

All of this was real!

Another life was beckoning to him, like a towering mountain reaching into the clouds, awaiting his ascent.

Bai Xiaosheng walked slowly to the window, looking down upon the city.

The city lay at his feet, with millions of lights shining like jewels to be harvested.

"I accept the challenge!" Bai Xiaosheng suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, "Those two trillion, I, will clinch it!"