Chapter 4 I come to testify_1

"What are you, and what is this to you!" Xu Fang immediately straightened up and shouted upon seeing someone speak up for the sanitation worker.

Bai Xiaosheng also sized up the beautiful woman who had stepped forward.

She was tall and slender, not as tall and thin as Xu Fang, but exuded a sense of gentleness. One more pound and she would seem cumbersome, one less and she would seem frail.

Just right.

A word popped into Bai Xiaosheng's mind.

The beautiful woman was truly captivating and resilient, with a hint of vigor.

The more he looked, the more appealing she became.

"I've been watching here for a while, and that man just came from over there. He couldn't have seen anything. What right does he have to testify for you!" The beautiful woman faced Xu Fang's gaze without flinching.

"You don't have to be afraid of her. I'll call the police for you, right now," the beautiful woman comforted the elderly.

"No, no, please don't call the police," the elderly man said in a panic, stopping her.

"Young lady, I know you mean well, but you see, my job is hard to come by, and I'm still on probation. I can't let the higher-ups know. I will make compensation; I just ask that kind-hearted people ask for a little less," the elderly pleaded as he looked towards Xu Fang.

"Ask for less?" Xu Fang smirked and lightly patted the rear of the car. "Do you know how much this car is worth? Without ten thousand, you're not going anywhere!"

Ten thousand! The elderly man visibly shuddered.

"Oh my, that's a lot!"

"Not a lot. You see what kind of car this is, that's the price it deserves."

"You tell me, old lady, can you even come up with that much money? That's terrible," someone from the surrounding crowd said, pointing fingers and whispering among themselves. However, in doing so, they inadvertently confirmed the elderly man's guilt.

The beautiful woman who couldn't stand injustice became quite agitated, and the way she got angry had a particular charm to it, prompting Bai Xiaosheng to smack his lips and take a few more glances at her.

The beautiful woman noticed Bai Xiaosheng's gaze and immediately glared at him fiercely.

"Who arrived early? Is there anyone who can testify for the elderly man?" the beautiful woman suddenly raised her voice.

The crowd that was chirping away fell silent at once, as no one wanted to trouble themselves.

"What's the matter, you have no witnesses? Well, I do." Xu Fang said smugly, signaling Bai Xiaosheng with her eyes.

"You dare!"

Just as Bai Xiaosheng stepped forward, the beautiful woman became anxious and glared at him vehemently, "You have to have a conscience as a human being. A grown man can't be so, so..."

So shameless.

It was clear the beautiful woman had a good upbringing as she struggled to hold back a crude insult.

"Hey, who do you think you are? Is she your grandmother or your mother, that you need to butt in!" Xu Fang put her hand on her hip. "Bai Xiaosheng, don't bother with her! Speak! Hey, everyone listen, this guy saw the whole thing, whatever he says, goes—it's the truth!"

Whoosh, everyone's gaze fell onto Bai Xiaosheng's face.

Under all those watching eyes, Bai Xiaosheng looked composed, "Ten thousand yuan, that's not enough."

Upon hearing this, the elderly man's face turned pale, he felt weak at the knees, and Bai Xiaosheng took the chance to gently press on the old man's shoulder, causing him to collapse to the ground.

The beautiful woman's eyes widened, about to speak, when Bai Xiaosheng's expression suddenly changed dramatically, and he began to shout.

"Auntie, how can it be you! What happened to you, did the car hit you?" In his anxiety, even Bai Xiaosheng's voice seemed to change.

The chattering crowd suddenly fell silent, the beautiful woman was taken aback, and Xu Fang was also stunned.

What was going on? What was he saying, Auntie?

"Auntie, I didn't recognize you just now. How are you, can you still stand up? Should we go to the hospital?" Bai Xiaosheng shouted, not giving the elderly man a chance to speak.

For a moment, the crowd looked at each other in confusion. The elderly man also stared blankly at Bai Xiaosheng, not understanding where this relative had come from.

What on earth was going on with this scratch? Did someone hit the car, or did the car hit someone? Why did the car owner's witness turn out to be the elderly person's relative?

The onlookers suddenly became very interested and started discussing amongst themselves.

"Xu Fang, oh Xu Fang, we know each other, but damn, I even wanted to vouch for you, and your car ended up scraping my aunt! For this, ten thousand is not enough!" Bai Xiaosheng looked at Xu Fang with grief and indignation.

"Bai Xiaosheng, have you lost your mind?" Xu Fang said with a face full of disbelief.

"I am a witness, everyone saw it, ah! She said it herself, what I'm saying is the truth!" Bai Xiaosheng shouted to the people around him.

"Aunt, I'm really sorry, I almost lost my conscience in confusion. Let's go to the hospital now for a full-body checkup." Then, Bai Xiaosheng was on the verge of tears.

The beautiful woman next to them had a strange expression on her face. The sanitation auntie seemed to have steady legs just a moment ago; how come she couldn't get up now? And then there's this person...

Could this be a staged accident? Could it be that this woman is the actual victim?

The beauty looked at Xu Fang, whose face was changing colors, with suspicion.

"Oh, so that's what's going on!" Suddenly, the quiet crowd became noisy again.

"Nowadays, these drivers are so irresponsible, just driving recklessly."

"Go to the hospital, at least get a check-up."

Public opinion turned in an instant.

"Nonsense, it was this old guy who scraped our car!" Xu Fang shouted loudly.

A single word "old guy" immediately stirred up the crowd. The public naturally sympathizes with the underdog, and Xu Fang's words had incurred the wrath of the crowd.

"Hey, you're so young, can't you keep a civil tongue in your head? Don't you have elders at home?"

"Yes, indeed, won't you get old one day?"

"Such low quality, it's clear from earlier that you just wanted to extort money!" The crowd pointed and gossiped, some even began to curse outright.

A faint smile curled at the corner of Bai Xiaosheng's mouth.

There must be a baddie to grind down another baddie; if there isn't one, then I'll be that baddie.

"Bai Xiaosheng, you dare to harm me!" Xu Fang suddenly let out a great yell and made to charge at Bai Xiaosheng with bared teeth and flailing claws.

"Enough!" A loud shout suddenly rang out.

Xu Fang was startled and stopped in her tracks. The door of the BMW opened, and a tall, handsome young man got out of the car.

"Ai Wen." Xu Fang stomped her foot with a look of aggrievement and pointed at Bai Xiaosheng and the beauty, "They're bullying me."

The handsome Ai Wen glanced coldly at Bai Xiaosheng, but when he saw the beauty, his eyes definitely brightened.

"I'll handle this." Ai Wen stepped forward, ignoring Bai Xiaosheng and instead greeted the beauty with a smile, "Hello, I'm Ai Wen. May I know the name of this beautiful lady?"

The beauty was taken aback and hadn't opened her mouth when Bai Xiaosheng stepped in front of her first.

"Your car knocked down my aunt, let's deal with this matter first." Bai Xiaosheng said angrily.

Ai Wen merely glanced indifferently at the sanitation worker sitting on the ground, then looked back at Bai Xiaosheng, "It was she who hit my car, what do you want to do about it?"

Ai Wen's demeanor was haughty, his words arrogant, and his eyes clearly showed contempt.

"I won't waste words with someone like you in front of this beauty. Want money, name your price? Want to call the police, I have connections." Ai Wen leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to Bai Xiaosheng, "Know your place, poor sod, I'll give you a few hundred to get lost."

Bai Xiaosheng saw Ai Wen's contempt and felt a fire blaze up inside him.

Poor people should be bullied by you?!

I still have two trillion, and I am still a CEO! Bai Xiaosheng's eyes were cold and severe.

"Red Lotus, dig out all the applicable traffic regulations for me!" Bai Xiaosheng's original thought was simple: he didn't want the sanitation worker to be scammed, didn't want honest people to be bullied.

But now, he had changed his mind.

He wanted to scam them!