Chapter 6 Troublesome Ai Wen_1


Maple View Garden, a high-end residential area in Tiannan City.

The lowest tier of housing in the community is garden houses, and the green space is tended to all year round, with lush trees and perennial blossoms.

At the entrance of the community, the security guard Zhuzi stood straight, looking ahead, but his lips moved slightly, idly chatting with the captain. After all, the lighting here was dim and no one could see them. This community was known for its wealthy residents; the least expensive cars that entered or exited were worth at least five hundred thousand, and anything less would be stopped.

Zhuzi had only been there for two days, yet he had already mastered when to let cars in and when to stop them, thanks to his brother-in-law, the captain.

As night fell, Zhuzi couldn't help but yawn, and that's when he saw a bicycle turn and head toward the community.

"Hold it right there!" Zhuzi was ready to go over and stop the cyclist without even paying his respects.

Are you kidding me? This is a fancy place! Even cars worth hundreds of thousands have to pull over, and you think you can just cycle in here?

Zhuzi stepped forward, but the captain pushed him aside with his foot and ran to raise the barrier, his smile ingratiating.

Zhuzi was dumbfounded as he watched a beautiful woman cycle by him, even casting a glance his way. That one look made his heart pound uncontrollably.

That woman, she was so beautiful!

"Brother-in-law, who is that woman?" Zhuzi couldn't help but ask as he watched the bicycle fade into the distance.

Could she be some rich family's relative?

A rich family's relative, riding a broken bicycle?

The captain glared fiercely at his brother-in-law and said in a low voice, "Don't you guess, and definitely don't go blabbering, got it? Mrs. Wang made a special point of telling me about this girl. I asked the same thing when I first started and almost got fired. Mrs. Wang said just one thing, that for anyone living in this community to think of marrying this girl, it would be like a toad lusting after a swan's flesh!"

Good gracious! Chen Zhuzi couldn't help but stick his tongue out. Every single person in this community was ridiculously rich, and yet marrying this girl was deemed like a toad lusting after swan's flesh? How important was this girl!

The captain waved his hand dismissively, not wanting to say another word.

Wei Xuelian pedaled her way straight to the very center of the community. She rode directly onto a villa's lawn, parked her bike, and took the elevator straight up to the second floor.

By the time she entered the living room, Wei Xuelian couldn't help but laugh out of frustration.

A plump, exceptionally adorable girl with a hint of baby fat sat barefoot on the sofa, watching cartoons and munching on snacks.

The living room was a mess, as if it had been ransacked.

"Lu Wenqian, can you tidy up the room? You're so lazy," said Wei Xuelian, resigned, as she took off and hung up her jacket, picking up clothes from the floor.

"I'm already hardworking. These are all from my own snacking," Lu Wenqian said playfully. "How was work? Was it fun? I really can't believe you, why put yourself through this?"

"It is fun, at the very least, I won't die of obesity," retorted Wei Xuelian with a snort.

"Honor to the working people! You're living here eating and lodging for free, so shouldn't you help clean up a bit?" Lu Wenqian argued shamelessly, then suddenly slapped her forehead, "Oh, right, isn't your cousin holding a concert? Get me five—no, ten—front row VIP tickets. I'm gonna use them to pick up guys."

"You little brat, how old are you anyway?" Wei Xuelian was completely speechless. "There's nothing you won't say."

Meanwhile, a few streets away, in the most luxurious bar box on Bar Street, Ai Wen's brows were knotted as he took a phone call.

He was feeling really annoyed. What should have been a wonderful night with his usual good mood was turning into one irritating thing after another. First, he got tricked by some kid on the road, barely missing the chance to meet a gorgeous woman, and just as he arrived at the bar and hadn't yet had a chance to drink, his father called. The last thing he wanted was a call from his father—it was either a scolding or a mission.

"Ai Wen, you're not getting any younger. I can't let you keep messing around. Tomorrow, the company that provides us services is coming to propose their plan, and their boss is my friend. I'm going to meet him, and you're coming with me!" Mr. Ai, Ai Wen's father, gave the command without leaving any room for negotiation.


"I've got the planning proposal for you in advance. I don't care where you are right now, get to my company immediately to review the documents."

"You're really spoiled by your mother. Let me tell you, if you don't start focusing on the company, you won't get a penny after I die!"

The phone call ended with a click.

Ai Wen gritted his teeth, his face flushed with rage.

He had to go home, or else he'd have no good days ahead.

"Ai Wen, I've ordered two bottles of wine. Let's drink later, and then go for karaoke, okay?" Xu Fang entered with a smile, pushing the door open.

Ai Wen was incredibly annoyed at that moment and had no mood for drinking. His father had asked him to return to review documents, and he probably had to toil all night. Just thinking about it gave Ai Wen a terrible headache. He wasn't cut out for making money; he was made for spending it. The business world was so exhausting, and he truly didn't want enter it. But no matter how much he didn't want to, he had to leave now or else his father would be even angrier, and the consequences of that would be severe.

Without a word, Ai Wen stood up and walked out.

"You're leaving?" Xu Fang became anxious when she saw Ai Wen ignoring her and heading out.

It had taken her so much effort to arrange a meeting with Ai Wen to bond, and now he was leaving without having spent even half an hour with her.

This was something she wouldn't accept!

Ai Wen didn't even look at her and continued walking towards the door.

"Don't go." Xu Fang hurriedly tugged at him, and with a ripping sound, tore a hole in the sleeve of Ai Wen's shirt.

Ai Wen stopped in his tracks, coldly looked at his sleeve, then at Xu Fang. Xu Fang was horrified, suddenly realizing that the handsome face in front of her had mysteriously turned somewhat ferocious.

"I didn't mean to." Xu Fang stuttered.

"Don't bother me, do you hear me? From now on, we shouldn't contact each other anymore. My father would never approve of me being with a woman like you!"

Ai Wen didn't spare her another glance, didn't turn his head, and slammed the door behind him.

Xu Fang stood there stunned, watching the door that had slammed shut. Had she been abandoned by Ai Wen?

No, she wouldn't accept it!

If she couldn't secure Ai Wen, chasing after someone else was not an option for Xu Fang. After all, these wealthy people all ran in the same circles.

"No, I will marry into a wealthy family!" Xu Fang, determined and flustered, stood up and rushed out. "Ai Wen!"

At that moment, Ai Wen was seething with rage, and even the bar staff kept their distance from the infamous "Young Master Ai."

"Damn proposals, no matter which company you are from, you all wait for me. I'm not going to make it easy for you." A trace of inexplicable fury appeared on Ai Wen's face.

When Ai Wen got angry, he was well-known for being unreasonable.

Since the old man wanted to see his abilities, he had to carry through with finding faults to the end, showing the other party how formidable he could be.

At that moment, Ai Shili held a phone, with a voice speaking from it.

"Mr. Ai, let's go for tea tomorrow first. I will send one of the vice presidents from my company to report to your side. Oh, you know this person."

"His name is Zhou Tiansheng."