Chapter 9 Data Expert Bai Xiaosheng_1

All eyes were on Bai Xiaosheng.

Suspicion, mockery, schadenfreude – everything but trust. Not a shred of it, even from his boss, Liu Xun.

Bai Xiaosheng's expression was impassive as he looked at Ai Wen.

"You're the planner, this is your proposal. If you're not even clear about some industry data..." Ai Wen smiled as he glanced at Liu Xun and Zhou Tiansheng, "that would be unacceptable, wouldn't it?"

Zhou Tiansheng's body jolted, and he glared at Bai Xiaosheng. "Mr. Ai is asking a good question. Bai Xiaosheng, this is your proposal! What did I tell you? Be serious, meticulous, take care of every little detail! I've given you so much authority, what have you done with it!"

"What a mess!" Liu Xun's gaze darkened as he also turned to Bai Xiaosheng.

Ai Shili swept a brief glance around before picking up his teacup and savoring the tea silently.

Mr. Pan and his female subordinate couldn't help but feel regret – they had a good impression of Bai Xiaosheng. But sympathy was one thing; there was no reason for them to plead on his behalf when even his own people were undercutting him.

Xu Fang said nothing, her eyes on Bai Xiaosheng with a barely concealed sense of satisfaction about to burst forth.

Everyone pushes a wall that's already falling, but what's more, even his own people were pushing. Bai Xiaosheng shook his head with a smile.

Had it been before, he would definitely have been the one to take the blame once again.

The smile on Bai Xiaosheng's face was for the person he once was, lowly and helpless, without dignity or choice.

But now.

I was no longer the person I used to be; I didn't have to fear any of you, anyone!

Bai Xiaosheng's gaze slowly lifted, sweeping across each person's face with a calm that carried a chill, and even a hint of silent mockery.

"What's with that look, what's his attitude!"

"What does this kid want to do!"

Liu Xun and Zhou Tiansheng glowered, feeling disrespected by Bai Xiaosheng's gaze.

Bai Xiaosheng stopped looking at them; his focus ultimately settled on Ai Wen's face.

"You want data support?" Bai Xiaosheng said calmly, "I'll give you data!"

"Red Lotus, find the data for me…" Bai Xiaosheng whispered internally.

"Yes, Master." Red Lotus's voice was clear and resonant, devoid of emotion, yet to Bai Xiaosheng, it was a thousand times more pleasant than anyone else's in the room.

After two seconds of deliberation, Bai Xiaosheng had all the data at his fingertips.

"The data from the previous six months is already in the proposal; I'm sure Mr. Ai Wen is aware of it," Bai Xiaosheng began, his voice steady and clear. "As for the last six months, according to authoritative institutions 'Wan Qian Data' and 'X Statistics' survey reports, let's start with online media. Our industry's ad push, video ads, spotlight text ads, full-screen ads, their attention rates in this city have been continuously climbing from June to October, with growth rates of 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, peaking in November and December at 53.5%, 43.8%, and 39.2%, respectively. Text chain ads, pole ads have been declining, from 13.8%, 18.9%, with descending rates respectively of..."

Bai Xiaosheng spoke without consulting any materials.

Every month, every period, each precise piece of data, he rattled them off with ease!

Ai Wen frowned, quickly scrolling through the tablet.

The data in his hands was X Statistics' internal information, the kind that money can't buy, let alone a low-level employee like Bai Xiaosheng.

Yet, any data that existed matched exactly!

Ai Wen was astonished to find all the X Statistics data Bai Xiaosheng mentioned was spot-on, some even not present in his own materials!

This is impossible, this can't be real! Ai Wen's eyes bulged round in disbelief.

Not just him, everyone involuntarily looked at the projection, comparing it with Bai Xiaosheng's narration.

Not a single omission! Not a single error!

It was simply unbelievable!

Ai Wen, Liu Xun, Zhou Tiansheng, Mr. Pan, Xu Fang, and that female subordinate – their faces slowly shifted from surprise to complete astonishment, even Ai Shili put down his cup and stared unblinkingly at the screen.

How did he acquire such detailed data?


How could it be that someone had memorized all year's data!

Everyone was left speechless with shock.

This is simply perverse!

Bai Xiaosheng even spoke faster and faster, initially, Ai Wen could barely keep up with the comparison, but later on, he was unable to compare anymore because Bai Xiaosheng's speaking rate was astonishingly fast. Yet, his train of thought remained incredibly clear, and his analysis was even more brilliant.

In the entire room, there was only one voice, Bai Xiaosheng's voice.

There were data, astonishing data, but to be able to deduce conclusions from those data was even more astonishing!

Ai Shili's gaze gradually grew fervent as he looked at Bai Xiaosheng as if he had found a treasure.

This man was definitely a talent, no, a genius!

Such a plan must be poached, to keep it in the small Tian Hai Media was simply squandering it!

Liu Xun and Zhou Tiansheng also began to get excited.

This case might succeed, and the one million in advertising fees finally seemed within reach.

Bai Xiaosheng's solo performance finally came to an end, and apart from Ai Wen and Xu Fang, everyone else in the room showed varying degrees of shock, admiration, or appreciation.


Suddenly, Bai Xiaosheng heard a clear, bell-like sound.

"Assist Zhenbei Group's subsidiary in investing in companies, complete the annual promotion analysis, add five points. Your current score is five points, and you are ninety-five points away from a promotion to the manager level," Red Lotus said.

Scored points?!

Bai Xiaosheng was stunned.

He had never imagined that he would score points for the first time when he was not yet at Zhenbei Group.

Ai Wen's face turned extremely sullen, his eyes slightly reddened as he stared at the data without uttering a word.

Unwilling, he was unwilling. Bai Xiaosheng had perfectly resolved even this problem, this difficulty.

He, was not willing!

Ai Wen felt that everyone's gaze towards Bai Xiaosheng was filled with shock and admiration. This was not what he wanted; he wanted humiliation, to utterly humiliate Bai Xiaosheng.

"I still have a few questions!" Ai Wen shouted.

"Please." Bai Xiaosheng made a gesture.

"The second phase of promotion..." Ai Wen, impatient, brought up several flaws the old planner had taken great pains to find in quick succession.

Bai Xiaosheng was steady and calm. This case was his creation; every part contained his hard work and meticulous consideration in every aspect. Many details not written in the plan didn't stump Bai Xiaosheng.

Back and forth in the Q&A, Bai Xiaosheng remained composed and unruffled.

Ai Wen's forehead began to bead with sweat, his voice grew hurried.

Bai Xiaosheng, delighted in his discussion, even pointed out the subtle deficiencies of the plan and provided the best suggestions.

Liu Xun and Zhou Tiansheng's faces turned unsightly; those were aspects that could be improved, but improving them would mean significantly increasing their expenses.

Bai Xiaosheng's expression did not change as he took in the look of distaste on their faces, feeling pleased inside.

If you are heartless, then I have no obligation to be righteous!

I want to show you that I can not only take the blame for you but also smash your heads open and bloody!

This case is mine, and I will make it flawless!

Bai Xiaosheng went on and on alone.

Ai Shili was no fool; as Bai Xiaosheng's perfection of the plan continued, the look he gave Liu Xun became increasingly cold.

"Shut up!" Finally, Ai Wen, Liu Xun, and Zhou Tiansheng couldn't hold back anymore, and all three of them yelled in unison.

After yelling, the three of them looked at each other in astonishment.

"To hell with the plan!"

Ai Wen slammed down the plan with a smack, stood up, his face dark as thunder, and pointing at Bai Xiaosheng hysterically exclaimed, "Kid, yesterday you insulted me, today you want to take this deal, this money, then kneel down for me!"