Chapter 11 Big Shots_1

This kid, he's actually from Zhenbei Group, and he's a... big shot!

No wonder, no wonder he could get his hands on those authoritative data that can't even be bought, no wonder he's so fearless!

Sweat beads formed on Ai Shili's nose and his forehead shone with oil.

But, why would someone from Zhenbei Group be in Tian Hai Media? Does Liu know about this?

Ai Shili instinctively glanced at Liu Xun, who looked back at him with a face full of terror, as if he were looking at someone who had suddenly gone mad.

Ai Shili couldn't make any judgments about Liu Xun either.

However, Bai Xiaosheng's identity must be genuine! That internal group pattern, ordinary people wouldn't even have the chance to see it, let alone dare to copy it!

It signified the authority of Zhenbei Group.

Besides, there was an even more terrifying aspect!

The person in charge of investing in Ai Shili's company, the president of a subsidiary of Zhenbei Group, was his college classmate. During a private gathering, Ai Shili got him drunk and wormed many secrets out of him.

One of them was the most shocking.

Within Zhenbei Group, a secret was circulating.

There was always a mysterious "inspection team" reporting directly to the highest echelons of Zhenbei.

They were in charge of inspecting the various industries of Zhenbei Group worldwide, like undercover agents, not announcing their visits, not contacting the managers in charge.

Among these people were the elderly, the youth, and even women and recent graduates. They left no traces, but without exception, all carried a special identity card from the group. They infiltrated the grassroots level of the companies and partner units, collected information, assessed the company's condition, and reported directly to the highest level of the group!

It was said that each year, Zhenbei Group would see a large number of prestigious CEOs and big bosses suddenly removed!

The orders came from the highest level, and the evaluations were based on these individuals' reports.

Bai Xiaosheng, he couldn't possibly be from the Zhenbei Group inspection team, could he?

The more Ai Shili thought about it, the more he believed he had guessed right!

He was about to be integrated into the vast system of Zhenbei Group—this must be an evaluation!

If I don't handle this well, I'm done for! Thousands of thoughts surged through Ai Shili's mind in an instant, contemplating numerous possibilities.

His capital chain was already on the brink of crisis and desperately needed investment.

If Zhenbei doesn't invest...

Ai Shili couldn't bear to think further; his entire back was soaked with sweat, and large beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead.

This Bai Xiaosheng, he's like my own father!

Ai Shili's greasy face strained to form a fawning smile.

Now, whoever dares to touch Bai Xiaosheng is digging at his foundations, threatening his life!

As long as Bai Xiaosheng is happy, he'd even be willing to kneel!

Bai Xiaosheng looked at the obsequious grin on Ai Shili's face and felt a bit shocked himself. He fondled the identity card in his hand and swallowed secretly.

This thing, is it really so powerful? In the future, when I visit other subsidiaries, if anyone dares to bully me, I'll just show this to them.

Bai Xiaosheng felt entirely at ease and tucked away the card.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Ai Wen snapped out of his daze and exclaimed in shock.

Bizarre, too bizarre, what kind of sorcery had Bai Xiaosheng performed! How did his father turn into this after showing that card?

"You bastard, what have you done?" Ai Wen roared and charged at Bai Xiaosheng.


A heavy slap sent Ai Wen spinning on the spot twice, his cheek swelling up like a steamed bun immediately.

"You little beast, what are you doing! Have you lost your mind!" Ai Shili pointed his carrot-thick finger at Ai Wen, his eyes almost popping out.

Everyone present was stunned.

Was this still Mr. Ai, who was overprotective to the point of abnormality?

"Dad..." Ai Wen covered his face in terror, spitting out blood.

He had never seen such a brutal side of Ai Shili.

"Little Mr. Ai, you're so brazen, sooner or later you'll get into trouble." Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Ai Wen.

Ai Shili's chubby face trembled, a hint of pain flashed deep in his eyes, but it was masked by ferocity.

"You little beast, it's all because I've spoiled you. You dare to raise your hand, you dare to make someone kneel, have you turned against me? Is this how I taught you?"

Ai Shili leapt forward, without any explanation, his hand swung in a wide arc, repeatedly striking his own son's face.

Ai Wen screamed like a pig being butchered, and after a moment, only groans remained as he was beaten into a swollen mess.

Liu Xun, Xu Fang, Deputy Director Pan were all stupefied, hiding to one side in terror, not daring to step forward.

Eventually, Ai Wen was knocked out cold.

Only then did Ai Shili stop, laughing in a way that was uglier than crying, turning to Bai Xiaosheng, "You're absolutely right, without discipline disasters will come. I'll have to teach him a lesson when I get back! Actually, our family isn't usually like this, the kid might have been confused by someone, talking nonsense, doing bad things."

"It has to be you, you vixen! Don't think I don't know what you've been up to!" Ai Shili glared fiercely at Xu Fang, his gaze as if he wanted to devour her.

Xu Fang was so frightened she almost collapsed.

"If you dare to get close to Ai Wen again…" Ai Shili's triangular eyes flashed menacingly.

He left the rest unsaid, but Xu Fang felt a chill in her bones.

"Ahem, that's enough, that's enough." Bai Xiaosheng coughed twice, he hadn't expected Ai Shili to be so agitated.

Ai Shili turned his face back to them, still wearing a servile smile.

"Let's step aside for a word." Bai Xiaosheng beckoned with his hand.

Ai Shili bent at the waist and followed eagerly.

The two men went to a corner of the room, whispering while Liu Xun and the others watched in horror.

This scene was too shocking, Ai Shili at times like a mad dog, at other times like a fawning one, leaving the others mind-blown.

"You know who I am?" Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Ai Shili.

"I know, I know! I won't tell anyone!" Ai Shili, a sly fox among sly foxes, instantly made his stance clear.

Bai Xiaosheng was very pleased, patting him on the shoulder. This gesture made the big boss feel incredibly honored.

This feeling, so thrilling!

Bai Xiaosheng was content.

"You must honor me with your presence at my modest home for a simple meal, if my son has offended you…" Ai Shili spoke anxiously.

Bai Xiaosheng looked back, Ai Wen had been beaten into a pulp, Ai Shili truly didn't hold back his hand.

"That's alright, it's all in the past."

"You're so magnanimous, so magnanimous!" Ai Shili let out a sigh of relief, his smile brighter.

"My work here is also coming to an end, it's time for me to leave," Bai Xiaosheng said.

"But, but, a meal…" Ai Shili said eagerly.

Bai Xiaosheng waved his hand, and Ai Shili immediately fell silent.

Bai Xiaosheng looked back at Liu Xun, his own boss, who was watching him anxiously, his eyes filled with a confused desire to please.

Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Zhou Tiansheng on the ground.

Liu, although not a good boss, had never shortchanged him.

Zhou Tiansheng was different!

"Mr. Ai, I have one last favor to ask of you." Bai Xiaosheng nodded towards Zhou Tiansheng, "I don't like this man at all! Could you 'take care of him' for me?"

Ai Shili was taken aback, then his eyes lit up like torches.

"Of course, of course! Don't worry, I'll take this guy to my company later and make him a deputy director. Then, I'll take very good 'care' of him!"

The man who could strike his own son mercilessly had a sinister smile on his face.

Bai Xiaosheng could already foresee Zhou Tiansheng's future, he was quite satisfied and left with grace.

"I'm going, no need to see me off."

With that, no one dared to send him off.