Chapter 15 I Am Good at This Job_1

"You're called Bai Xiaosheng, right? What job did you used to do?" Chen Daya smiled at Bai Xiaosheng.

This person was personally sent over by Mr. Shang! Just because of that, Chen Daya didn't dare to neglect him.

He hoped to first place Bai Xiaosheng in an important position, and find an opportunity to promote him later.

Li Mingtong stood by silently.

"I was a planner before," Bai Xiaosheng answered truthfully.

"Planner..." Chen Daya nodded, "I'm in need of an assistant, how about..."

"The promotion department just happens to need a planner, right? Bai Xiaosheng, you go to the promotion department," Li Mingtong suddenly spoke up, cutting off Chen Daya's words.

Li Mingtong was also very cautious when arranging people. The current situation in the project team was favorable to him, and he didn't want any unforeseen complications. He would feel at ease only if Bai Xiaosheng was under his own watch.

Chen Daya frowned. He knew what Li Mingtong was thinking, "The promotion department can recruit someone else if they are short of staff, do we have to..."

"Mr. Chen!" Li Mingtong chuckled, "The promotion department has asked to recruit people not once or twice, and you've always said there's no suitable candidate. And you don't trust outsiders either. Isn't Bai Xiaosheng's arrival just perfect? He's even introduced by Mr. Shang, don't you trust him either? Our project is not far from opening, if we delay any longer, it will impact the progress of work, and that wouldn't be good."

Li Mingtong's words left Chen Daya momentarily at a loss for words.

"Bai Xiaosheng, where would you like to go? To my side, or to the promotion department?" Chen Daya turned towards Bai Xiaosheng.

Having one's own person in the promotion department was not a bad idea, but given Li Mingtong's suggestion, that could be a trap! To jump or not to jump into this pit!

Chen Daya looked at Bai Xiaosheng.

Someone favored by Mr. Shang must have his own ideas, and Chen Daya wanted to see Bai Xiaosheng's attitude.

"That's fine, I'll go to the promotion department," Bai Xiaosheng said with a smile.

The straightforward answer surprised both Chen and Li.

"That's a very 'challenging' position!" Chen Daya couldn't help but remind him.

"I like challenging work!" Bai Xiaosheng said.

Bai Xiaosheng was of course aware that the position arranged by Chen Daya would definitely be comfortable, while the planning job from Li Mingtong probably was fraught with difficulties!

But Bai Xiaosheng wanted difficulties!

Difficulties tempered one's character and maturity.

However, the difficulties Bai Xiaosheng sought were also strategic—the more challenging the task, the higher the score with Red Lotus!

This was something Bai Xiaosheng had confirmed with Red Lotus.

His purpose for this trip was to earn points, advance in rank—from employee level, to manager level... all the way to president level!

The thought of it all made Bai Xiaosheng's blood boil!

Was he afraid of difficulties? He wished for someone to give him difficulties at work!

"Young man, full of vigor, then let's make it planning!" Li Mingtong, seeing Chen Daya not making a sound, laughed heartily and pulled open the conference room door.

"Go, call Wu Qiuyan for me."

Someone outside responded and hurried off to call.

Before long, the office door was pushed open.

A woman in a professional suit with her hair coiffed in a high bun, around thirty years old, and striking in appearance, hurried into the large conference room.

She was Wu Qiuyan, the manager of the promotion department.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Chen."

Wu Qiuyan smiled at Li Mingtong and nodded to Chen Daya.

Bai Xiaosheng saw it clearly.

This woman, when smiling at Li Mingtong, had a notably soft and flirtatious look in her eyes.

Li Mingtong, on the surface, appeared restrained and indifferent. Because it was overly deliberate, it only made it seem like there was more to it.

These two, their relationship wasn't just about work, Bai Xiaosheng thought inwardly.

"This is Bai Xiaosheng, a person Mr. Shang brought in to work on planning in your department. Make sure to arrange things well for him!" Li Mingtong said to Wu Qiuyan.

Someone brought in by Shang Wenshu, needs to be well arranged...

Wu Qiuyan smiled knowingly and sized up Bai Xiaosheng.

"Manager Wu." "Hello." The two of them greeted each other simply.

"Good, take him with you then, and start working as soon as possible," Li Mingtong said.

This seemed set in stone.

"Bai Xiaosheng, if you have any problems in the planning department, feel free to consult with the leaders, or you can find me," Chen Daya advised, and specifically glanced at Wu Qiuyan.

These words were meant more for Wu Qiuyan.

I'm watching, you better not go too far with this person! That was Chen Daya's implied meaning.

Wu Qiuyan smiled nonchalantly and turned to Bai Xiaosheng, "Come on, I'll take you to get familiar with the department."

After speaking, she nodded to Chen and Li, left the large conference room, and Bai Xiaosheng followed behind her.

Watching the two leave, Chen Daya was somewhat worried. Li Mingtong, looking carefree, strolled away.

Bai Xiaosheng and Wu Qiuyan walked down the corridor, turning here and there, and it took a while before they arrived at an office door.

The doorplate read "Promotion Department."

"This is the place," Wu Qiuyan said, nudging her chin and pushing the door open.

It wasn't until Bai Xiaosheng entered the room that he realized, aside from Wu Qiuyan, there were three others in the department.

"A new person has arrived, everyone, stop your current tasks for a moment."

Wu Qiuyan clapped her hands, and the three looked over at them.

There were two men and one woman.

"This is our department's newcomer, Bai Xiaosheng, a person mentioned by Mr. Chen." Wu Qiuyan casually pointed to the three, "Wang, Song, Yezi. One planner, one copywriter, and one designer, get to know each other."

With a smile on his face, Bai Xiaosheng sized up the three individuals.

Wang was middle-aged, with a steady smile that had a hint of slickness. Song looked to be older than Bai Xiaosheng, with a cultivated appearance and glasses, a genial face yet tinged with timidity. Yezi appeared younger than Bai Xiaosheng, an ordinary-looking girl but radiating a certain vivacity, and when she smiled, sported a pair of cute dimples.

The group exchanged greetings.

Wang and Song had smiles that kept a distance, but it was Yezi's gaze on Bai Xiaosheng that was bright and a bit shy.

While it wasn't love at first sight, the young lady was clearly smitten.

Bai Xiaosheng was actually very spirited, especially after having been bestowed the "Future President" label, his whole demeanor exuded an unmatched confidence, a highly charismatic aura.

"Bai Xiaosheng, take that spot over there."

Wu Qiuyan pointed out the spot, then picked up a thick stack of documents from her desk and handed them to him.

"The project will officially launch in three months. This is the information we need to collect, organize, and verify, a lot of which needs accurate details found online, and you'll be doing it!"

"I'm giving you a week's time," Wu Qiuyan said to Bai Xiaosheng, her tone leaving no room for doubt. "I hope you won't hold us back when the time comes!"

Bai Xiaosheng caressed the stack of material, nearly thirty pages thick with extensive content.

"Remember, I want the most accurate and detailed information!" Wu Qiuyan emphasized.

Wang and Song exchanged looks, somewhat surprised.

That material was originally planned to be handled by everyone in their department, along with an outsourcing company, and they were to give all this to one person, and only give him a week?

How could that be possible!

"Manager Wu, Bai Xiaosheng just arrived, with so much work, will it not be..." Yezi couldn't help speaking up.

"Don't worry about what doesn't concern you," Wu Qiuyan shot Yezi a cold glance.

Of course, she knew it was impossible; she was simply making things difficult for Bai Xiaosheng.

"A week, huh?" Bai Xiaosheng gently patted the documents and suddenly smiled, "Finding information, I'm good at that!"