Chapter 29 Who is this person!_1

The chat area in the viewing room exploded!

The barrage of messages was torrential!

For the first time, the focus wasn't on Han Shuying but on that Ice Control Mage and the topic of "One Ice Double Control," overwhelmingly dominating the screen.

"Has this person hacked the game? It's impossible!"

"The Ice Arrow guarantees a freeze, but how can it freeze two?!"

"How did he do that!"

"There's definitely a catch here!"

A massive wave of comments flooded the chat, causing the stream to stutter at times.

Then, someone started spamming the chat with the reveal—the technique was Shi Xuan of Krait Battle Team's specialty, One Ice Double Control!

This revelation sent the excitement surging to new heights!

Shi Xuan?!

Was the goddess Han Shuying actually competing against her own team's vice-captain?!

This speculation instantly went viral online, evolving into dozens of versions within minutes.