Chapter 55: These are all fractions!_1

No overtime? How is that possible!

Just these few days of continuous all-nighters, to what extent they can complete the task is still unknown!

Wang, Song, and Yezi, all three were filled with worry.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," Bai Xiaosheng said with a smile to reassure everyone.

Relaxed in demeanor, his eyes exuded confidence like sunshine, melting much of the worries in Wang and the others' hearts.

"But for the work ahead, I'll need everyone's cooperation," Bai Xiaosheng looked at Wang and the others, speaking earnestly, "which means, in the next few days, I need you to work according to the rhythm I set."

That's no problem! Wang and the others looked at Bai Xiaosheng, nodding in succession.