Chapter 63: Serious Punishment_1

"How dare you speak to me like this, don't forget, I am your superior!" Li Mingtong's hands trembled with rage from Bai Xiaosheng's words.

In front of everyone, Bai Xiaosheng had told him to leave! Although he didn't use the word "get out," Li Mingtong felt it was almost the same!

"Don't make me say it a second time!"

Bai Xiaosheng looked at Li Mingtong with a serious expression, his eyes cold and harsh, overflowing with the threat.

Li Mingtong's face turned green as he looked towards Wang and the others.

Their expressions were indifferent, their eyes hostile.

"You just wait, all of you just wait!" Li Mingtong pointed at them as he fled in panic.

As he left, he stumbled, nearly taking a nasty fall.

At that time, the corridor was busy with people coming and going, and many witnessed Li Mingtong's utterly embarrassed spectacle.

The employees were all dumbfounded.

Everyone knew that Li Mingtong did not get along with the new marketing director.