Chapter 72 Do you admit the punishment!_1

"Above is the brochure design plan created by our entire marketing department, working together,"

Bai Xiaosheng concluded with that final statement. He had finished.

The managers and employees at the door, full of eagerness, showed no signs of stopping their discussions and praises; if anything, it only became more intense.

Wang, Song, and Yezi were flushed with triumph, their cheeks tinged red as if they had downed a couple of shots of liquor, basking in the admiration and compliments from those around them.

District Chief Wu Qibing had high praise for Bai Xiaosheng's performance. The young man was steady in his actions, calm and composed in his mannerisms, clear and articulate in explaining the brochure, and logical in his presentation.

Indeed, a young talent, more than capable of being a manager!

District Chief Wu even couldn't help but say to Shang Wenshu and Wang Ye with a smile, "I didn't expect your project team to be so full of talent!"