Chapter 78 This is the Manager Level!_1

Master Song Kai's statement astonished everyone present.

Even District Chief Wu Qibing was a bit dumbfounded. He knew his teacher hadn't participated in any business events for nearly two decades—even the mayor had trouble inviting him, as the old man would always find various excuses to decline.

And now, he was actually volunteering to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony?

It was simply unbelievable!

District Chief Wu Qibing's gaze towards Bai Xiaosheng changed; even as his student, he felt a hint of envy, jealousy, and resentment towards the young man.

Shang Wenshu had just taken a sip of his drink and almost spouted it out. He held it in his mouth, forgetting to swallow.

The master, of his own accord, volunteered to cut the ribbon?!

Was it really that simple?

Shang Wenshu had racked his brains to prepare a complete set of interlocking arguments, appealing to emotions and reasoning, and even called in favors to ask Bai Xiaosheng to intervene.