Chapter 80: Heaven Does Not Hide The Wicked, What Does It Have To Do With Me!_1

Wooden House BBQ.

Bai Xiaosheng confirmed the sign outside before stepping in, and quickly found Zhengdong Province waiting there.

Zheng Pangzi, seeing Bai Xiaosheng's arrival, hurriedly urged the waiter to serve the dishes.

Peanuts, edamame, smashed cucumbers, and piles of meat skewers, gristle, pig's trotters, and small kidneys.

Zhengdong Province also ordered a bucket—over ten liters—of beer.

They chatted while devouring skewers and gulping down beer.

Talking about the past days of university, they downed beer after beer.

Soon, they were both drunk.

"What do you think of He Yanbing, with his saintly appearance but a heart of a beast! The former president of the student council, just a low-life!" Zheng Pangzi slammed the table as he cursed vociferously.

Bai Xiaosheng nodded vigorously.

Thinking of He Yanbing, the hatred in his heart had not subsided over all these years!

The first time he met He Yanbing.