Chapter 84 You, the smell of scum_1

Early on Sunday, Bai Xiaosheng went home and changed into formal attire.

"Clothes make the man, just as gold makes the Buddha."

Bai Xiaosheng looked quite proper, exuding a certain air of authority.

Bai Xiaosheng laughed and simply picked out a clean set of casual clothes to wear.

"You're wearing that?" Bai Xiaosheng looked a bit startled.

"What's wrong? Should I have dressed up specifically for this reunion? This is fine. If things stay peaceful, there won't be any need for a fight, but if a fight does break out, how convenient would this be?" Bai Xiaosheng teased the plump one.

Hearing this, Bai Xiaosheng immediately wanted to change back as well.

"Alright, alright, you stick with that outfit. I don't have any appropriate clothes, and buying a new set just to impress others would be a joke. You look great, you can back me up," Bai Xiaosheng stopped him.

Seeing no other choice, Bai Xiaosheng gave up.