Chapter 116 Another Bet......_1

When Bai Xiaosheng returned to the Lake Heart Pavilion, he unexpectedly discovered that Cheng and a servant were there too, pushing a handcart with a half-person-tall wooden beer barrel on top.

Looking at the stone table, there were two enormous crystal beer mugs.

Drinking again?

But, six people, why only two cups?

Bai Xiaosheng felt a sense of curiosity, quite puzzled.

The others were already seated and waiting, staring at him.

Bai Xiaosheng's gaze swept over everyone's faces, noticing a strange phenomenon; they were all smiling, but each smile was different.

Lu Yun, the big shot, had a hint of a sneaky smile in his demeanor, which didn't quite fit with his status.

A sneaky smile, right!

Bai Xiaosheng suddenly understood the meaning behind that smile.

A sneaky smile from someone as important as Lu Yun felt truly eerie!

Looking at Wei Xuelian, he saw her smirking with her lips pursed.