Chapter 126 This is an Accident_1

During the college days, there was Yu Qiu, the "country girl" with an ordinary face but exceptional academic performance.

Chen Feng would certainly not forget!

At that time, the game "Truth or Dare" was popular. Chen Feng lost and was dared to pursue Yu Qiu on the spot.

Yu Qiu naturally wasn't willing, and Chen Feng had drunk a bit too, and he ended up beating Yu Qiu in front of everyone, breaking two of her teeth and one of her ribs.

The incident caused quite a stir at the time!

It even caused a conflict between students from poor families and those from wealthy families and sparked a massive societal debate.

The Chen family settled the incident with money, but they couldn't stop the public outrage. As a result, Chen Feng was recognized and chased by indignant people wherever he went in school. Not even the bodyguards he hired could do anything, and eventually, he had to take a leave of absence.

Speaking of which, Yu Qiu and Lu Wenqian were roommates!