Chapter 129: How do you know him!_1

"Investigate a person?"

Wang Ye was startled, even a bit baffled.

Why would Chen Jiutian need him to investigate someone? After all, he wasn't professional, this kind of task should be left to a private detective or similar.

While speaking, Wang Ye couldn't help but gaze at the person lying on the sofa. Although the face was unrecognizable, he could vaguely tell from the body shape and hairstyle—

"This is Master Chen Feng, isn't it!" Wang Ye's expression changed slightly, and he exclaimed.

Chen Feng, Chen Jiutian's only son, what had happened to make him end up like this?

He was fine just a couple of days ago!

Chen Feng, lying inert like a dead pig, grunted twice at Wang Ye as a greeting.

"This is why I need you to investigate that person," Chen Jiutian said with a harsh voice. "Sheng is in this state because of that person's doing!"

Someone had harmed Chen Jiutian's only son to this extent?!