Chapter 142: This Also Qualifies as Nanhong_1


Scarface looked at Bai Xiaosheng with cold, disdainful eyes.

"Where did this greenhorn come from—some fresh face I've never seen before, younger than me by several years. Does he even know about jade, does he know what 'Southern red' is?"

"Is he standing up because he thinks the girl is pretty and wants to play hero?"

Looking at Bai Xiaosheng's washed-out white clothes, he looked nothing but poor.

Scarface couldn't help but sneer and ignored Bai Xiaosheng's provocation.

"Scarface, go on, hand it to the 'master' to take a look and prepare to compensate."

"Yeah, let us see the level of the master, whether this string of Southern red is worth eight thousand or ten thousand."

"Master, if you don't know, ask me, I'll teach you."

The surrounding stallholders joined in the heckling, bursting into laughter.

They had all been hustling in the same place, and had started to root for Scarface since a while ago.