Chapter 154 The Slap is Loud_1

"We can't get through here, and that guy still told us we could pass, leading us astray!"

Min looked at the high wall before her, feeling indignant.

They had hoped to take a shortcut but ended up in a dead-end alley. Not only was it dark, but it also stank with a lot of garbage scattered around.

"Let's go back," Zhang Min said as she covered her nose and mouth, "It stinks to death!"

They had barely turned around when they saw two figures approaching head-on.

"What's the matter? Lost, are we? I know this area well!" Scarface laughed wickedly.

The man beside him also sported an evil grin.

"It's you? What do you want!" Min, sensing hostile intentions, quickly shielded Zhang Min and shouted at Scarface.

Zhang Min turned pale and clung tightly to Min's arm.

"What do I want?"