Chapter 170: I have prepared a surprise for you all_1


The media had come knocking! The entire project team was on edge.

From the leaders down to the staff, everyone was tense and also indignant—the media were here under the guise of accountability!

They were actually the victims, and now they were being wrongfully accused!

But tension and indignation aside, the media had indeed arrived.

A mishandled response could at best tarnish the project's image and at worst jeopardize the opening and the project's success or failure!

Bai Xiaosheng was calm as he walked out with the administrative supervisor, Wang.

This was a crisis PR moment for Treles Square.

Red Lotus had imprinted many classic crisis PR case examples into Bai Xiaosheng's mind as references.

As he walked, Bai Xiaosheng pondered over several cases.