Chapter 172: Who Has a Question?_1

Live broadcast across the web? A press conference!

The journalists who arrived were stunned; some were utterly baffled.

Who could have imagined such a twist in this project?

Now, how could they possibly distort and manipulate the narrative? The full live-stream video was on the internet; any attempt to twist the facts or stir up emotions was impossible!

If they dared to fabricate or act recklessly, it would be at their own discomfort!

The journalists couldn't help but swallow hard.

Most of them were there under the banner of their respective media outlets, privately hired by Zhuang Boyi for a tidy sum of personal gain.

If their fabrications resulted in readers bombarding their companies with complaints, their bosses would surely have their heads.

Many started to feel uneasy.

In this era of information explosion and universal media, the media's once proud control over public discourse was facing an unprecedented challenge!