Chapter 188: The First Incision to Set the Tone

This cry of "something has gone wrong" made Chen Daya shudder, and the managers' faces turned pale.

These were the last words they wanted to hear!

At the moment, the project was already stretched to its limits—what worse news could there be? Could they even catch a break?

Seeing the employee's pale face and his daring to burst into the meeting room.

This matter couldn't be trivial!

The head of the client department abruptly stood up, his voice stern, "What's going on? Wang, what happened!"

The one who had come was an employee from his client department.

"The merchants, the merchants are causing a commotion! They, they are shouting about terminating the contract with us!" the employee surnamed Wang said frantically.

Merchants causing a commotion?

Bai Xiaosheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

All at once, the managers were silenced, all turning to look at Bai Xiaosheng.