Chapter 200 Give me a puff of cigarette_1

Tiannan, an intern journalist at a news agency named Xiao Bei, happily hurried back to the company.

The dispatch task to Treles Square this time had netted him a thousand yuan in travel expenses, a small windfall, and the request from the other party was too simple, just to release a news story highlighting the opening time of Treles Square, with the difficulty level practically being zero.

"Xiao Bei, you're back so soon, did everything wrap up over there?"

Cheng Yang, the newly promoted chief reporter at Tiannan News, asked with surprise as he looked up.

Xiao Bei had been his protégé all along, practically his half-disciple, and of course, Cheng Yang had sent him on this lucrative task.

"Yes, Mr. Cheng, it wrapped up very quickly, less than half an hour in total," Xiao Bei recounted the situation.

"Did Bai Xiaosheng run out of strategies this time?" Cheng Yang couldn't help but be a bit curious.