Chapter 223 Gather Money to Save a Life_1

Within a 180-square-meter apartment, bathed in light from both the south and north.

The Bai Family members gathered all in one place.

At this moment, at the center of the wide sofa, sat an elderly lady with snow-white hair and sparkling eyes—Bai Xiaosheng's grandmother, Li Fengguan.

Some people become deaf and blind at seventy, but this eighty-eight-year-old matriarch still stood tall and spirited. Up to now, she remained the backbone of the Bai Family.

The elderly lady had practiced martial arts in her youth, and even today, she still performed a segment of Tai Chi Fist every morning and evening.

Since the passing of Bai Xiaosheng's grandfather, she had single-handedly raised four sons and two daughters to adulthood, and now the family spanned four generations under one roof.

On both sides of the sofa sat the old lady's children; her four sons belonged to the "Ming" generation, with the last character of their names being, in order, Yan, Hang, Zhi, and Yuan.