Chapter 262: Not a Single Fuel-Efficient Lamp_1

"Since Mr. Bai is so interested, I'll accompany him. Each of us can take a department and have a competition; after all, with Mr. Song witnessing, this open and fair competition can only benefit the company without any downsides, and it can also stimulate the employees' enthusiasm," Mr. Chen said calmly, looking at Bai Xiaosheng.

He was a very proud man who would not admit weakness in the face of a challenge from a peer of the same age and rank.

But he was not foolish either.

"Mr. Bai, you've been at the company for over half a month now and are quite familiar with various situations; you have no small advantage. Moreover, different departments have different profit statuses and capabilities. How will you ensure fairness in the competition? If I choose a strong department, won't it be very embarrassing for Mr. Bai to lose?" Chen Changqing said with a smile.

How to compare was very important!

Song Changkong couldn't help but look at Chen Changqing, then at Bai Xiaosheng.