Chapter 285 Qiuya Offers A Strategy_1

Bai Xiaosheng said a widely-circulated motivational phrase, which made Zhao Xiaoying laugh.

"That quote from the big shot has inspired quite a few people... Um, including me, doesn't make much difference." Zhao Xiaoying chuckled and stood up straight.

The evening breeze gently caressed, stirring Zhao Xiaoying's hair tips. Zhao Xiaoying reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

This natural gesture had Bai Xiaosheng slightly dazed.

Back in Tiannan, on a beautiful night, there was a beautiful and pure girl who made the same motion, which had sunk him into deep infatuation from which he could not extricate himself.

Before him, Zhao Xiaoying also carried that pure aura. This gesture filled Bai Xiaosheng with a warm feeling.

The night was delightful.

The two remained silent, quietly enjoying the tranquility of the evening breeze.

"We've been talking for so long, and you know my name, but I still don't know yours," Zhao Xiaoying suddenly said with a smile.