Chapter 305 Are You Trying to Scheme Against Me?_1

"Mr. Bai, what is this supposed to mean? Are you playing games with me?" Shang Wanwan stood up too, her tone very cold, seemingly displeased.

Behind her sunglasses, her beautiful eyes looked at Bai Xiaosheng's somewhat cool gaze, a flicker of unease apparent.

This man, with his mix of truth and deception, caused her heart to flutter uncontrollably.

"Just a little joke, Miss Shang won't mind, will she?" Bai Xiaosheng smiled, "By the way, I need to head back to the company to announce this good news to Mr. Song, so please excuse me."

With a warm smile, Bai Xiaosheng stood up, walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped and slightly turned his head to ask, "Miss Shang, do you ever have regrets about the things you do? What are you like when you have regrets?"


Shang Wanwan was taken aback, not understanding the meaning behind Bai Xiaosheng's sudden inquiry.

"It's nothing, I was just curious," Bai Xiaosheng let out a light laugh as he briskly walked away.