Chapter 312: You, Too, Are No Good!_1


"You!" Shang Wanwan was both shocked and furious.

She had never imagined that a mere female employee, a mere assistant, would dare to speak to her in such a manner!

One must know when she first came to Zhongjing Media, even Song Changkong had to greet her with a smile, speaking warmly and softly to her.

Shang Wanwan stared at Lin Weiwei with anger in her eyes.

Lin Weiwei was composed and fearless, looking at Shang Wanwan with a cold laugh. She finally understood why Bai Xiaosheng had sent her here, it was to stop Shang Wanwan!

So you think you're a big star, huh!

Do you think you can be arrogant and domineering!

Didn't you collude with Chen Changqing to cheat our Mr. Bai!


Go on, keep being wild!

Lin Weiwei showed a sneering smile, looking at Shang Wanwan with disdain.

Today, don't even think about getting past me!