Chapter 329: Extinguishing Familial Ties_1

"Bai Shuanglei?!" Bai Xiaosheng and Yang Qian'er almost exclaimed in unison, surprised.

How could it be Bai Shuanglei? Wasn't he hospitalized in the south? They said he had some sort of tumor in his head, and needed eight hundred thousand, which later increased by another hundred thousand!

The Bai Family was nearly torn apart trying to raise money to save his life. Bai Fei even played a very disgraceful role in it!

"What exactly is going on, Bai Fei, tell me clearly!" Bai Xiaosheng frowned and stared at Bai Fei as he asked.

Bai Fei spilled the beans, explaining the whole sequence of events while seething with rage.

Bai Xiaosheng and Yang Qian'er were a mix of shock and anger as they listened.

All that talk about having a tumor in the head and needing surgery was all a scam!

Bai Mingyuan's second son, Bai Shuanglei, had gambled and was deep in debt!