Chapter 343: Debt Collection Comes with Risks (Please Subscribe)_1

Hao and his group came storming over, originally intending to strut around and intimidate with a display of power.

Instead, they ended up getting beaten like dogs and were thrown out.

If it weren't for Lei Ying's protection, Hao would have probably had difficulty even walking out on his own. Even with Lei Ying's protection, he still took a couple of punches to the face, resulting in a bloodied nose and a blackened eye socket.

Lei Ying took the most hits while covering for Hao and didn't utter a sound as he quickly led him away.

The remaining three were crying for their parents, wishing they had grown an extra pair of legs. This group stumbled out in a mess, not daring to stay in Dingxiang Building and instead rushed back to Ju Feng Garden.

Bai Xiaosheng watched calmly as if the whole violent incident were nothing more than a grand performance.