Chapter 365 Kevin's Invitation_1

Bai Xiaosheng was worrying about Ron when his office door was knocked.

Bai Xiaosheng furrowed his brows, looking at the door with curiosity. He had already instructed that he should not be disturbed unless it was something special.

"Come in!" Bai Xiaosheng put down his cellphone and called out.

The door opened, and Lin Weiwei walked in, followed by a tall and sturdy guy.

"Mr. Bai, Mr. William is looking for you!" Lin Weiwei said respectfully.


Bai Xiaosheng saw clearly that the foreigner behind Lin Weiwei was none other than that special representative from Kelson.

He's looking for me?

A hint of confusion flashed in Bai Xiaosheng's eyes, but it vanished in a moment as he stood up with a smile.

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