Chapter 383 I Have a Plan!_1

Chen Jiuzheng was a man of great experience, having spent half his lifetime scrabbling in the corporate world, weathering numerous storms, and becoming immensely shrewd.

How could he possibly be frightened by Mr. Kevin's vague words and hesitate to take action against Bai Xiaosheng, or lose his composure and act irrationally due to a provocation from Chen Changqing?

At most, Chen Jiuzheng was somewhat dubious and hesitant. Chen Changqing's timely instigation, a nudge that added momentum, simply revitalized his existing intention to deal with Bai Xiaosheng.

"It's actually better that Mr. Kevin won't join. With him involved, we would have had to consider his stance, which would have been a hassle!" Chen Jiuzheng snorted coldly and asked Chen Changqing, "Exactly how did you and Song Changkong plan to take back the authority from Bai Xiaosheng?"

In the past, Chen Jiuzheng didn't pay much attention to details, but now that he was intrigued, he naturally had to inquire.