Chapter 4 I Want to Find the School Belle

"Brother Baldy!"

Blondie and Spiky were taken aback, unsure of what to do, not figuring out whether Baldy was acting or had really been sent flying and was spitting blood.

But for someone to be kicked three meters high and then hit the wall before falling down, that seemed a bit too fake, right?

They got into fights every day and never saw anyone get sent flying that far. What, did they think this was some kind of Street Fighter game?

Chen Youliang's school basketball club had some last-minute issues, and as the vice president, he couldn't be absent. After rushing over from the meeting, he saw Baldy groaning on the ground.

Dammit, was Baldy blind or what?

Wrong target!

Chen Youliang cursed inwardly, but in that moment, he was unable to come forward and could only sulk in the corner.

Baldy was the actor he had hired, but it turned out he had ended up helping someone else.

"Are you okay?"

Chu Nan looked at Lin Xuerou.

"I... I'm fine, but him..."

Lin Xuerou pointed worriedly at Baldy. Baldy's current state looked so miserable—couldn't there be a problem?

"Oh, he won't die, don't worry about him. Let's go."

Chu Nan was confident in his control. At worst, the guy might have a mild concussion. He wasn't going to die.

"Ah, okay."

Lin Xuerou nodded, "Thank you. Should we call the police now? I can be your witness..."

"Forget about calling the police, it's too much trouble. Let's just go!"

Chu Nan said, not looking for trouble.

"This... okay then."

Lin Xuerou didn't insist, "Then I'll head back to school. Thank you..."

"Oh, I'm also going to the school."

Chu Nan said, "We can go together."

"Ah... okay..."

Lin Xuerou was startled, wondering if Chu Nan was also a student at Ming City University?

Watching Lin Xuerou and Chu Nan leave together, Chen Youliang's face was extremely dark. "Where did this bumpkin come from, daring to get ahead of me? You just wait! Hmph! You three, stop right there!"

"Ah? Young Master Chen?"

The two lackeys carrying Baldy were directly blocked by Chen Youliang.

"What the hell are you guys doing? Can't you identify the right person? I'm paying you to act, and you end up supporting some bumpkin—I must say, well done!"

Chen Youliang was livid with fury.

"It's not like that, Young Master Chen, it's that guy…"

Blondie started to explain but was cut off by a slap from Chen Youliang that left an audible "smack," instantly swelling his cheek.

Spiky shrank back, not daring to say anything else, only silently hanging his head while feeling wronged on the inside. This had nothing to do with them, it was Brother Baldy...

"Just get lost; I don't want to see you anymore!"

Chen Youliang waved them away impatiently, snorting coldly and secretly following Lin Xuerou and Chu Nan.

Lin Xuerou noticed Chu Nan was still following her after they entered the school gate and was feeling a bit weird as they almost reached the girls' dormitory. She couldn't help but ask, "Classmate, do you need something else?"

"Oh, can I ask you about something?"

Chu Nan had been pondering the whole way how to ask, but it was clear the pretty girl was getting suspicious, so he had to bite the bullet and speak up.

"What is it?"

Lin Xuerou was somewhat curious.

"That... do you know who the school beauty of Ming City University is?"

Chu Nan asked somewhat awkwardly.

"Campus beauty?"

Lin Xuerou's face changed slightly, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at Chu Nan, "Is that what you're asking about? What do you want with that information?"

"Because I want to find the campus beauty..."

Chu Nan said.


Lin Xuerou was both angry and embarrassed. She hadn't expected this seemingly ordinary and simple-looking guy to say such a sleazy thing!

Suddenly, she thought of the conversation of those three thugs. She had found it odd before because the thugs were clearly stalling for time, and it seemed like they were waiting for someone to show up!

And later, when Chu Nan appeared, Baldy's expression seemed a bit excited, as if he had seen a savior! And then he was kicked into the air!

Upon reflection, even computer-generated effects couldn't be that fake. It was just too unreal.

Especially the question Chu Nan had asked her afterwards, it was about the campus beauty, and he said he was looking for her!

She had to know that Lin Xuerou was one of the top four beauties at Ming City University!

"So those three punks just now were your underlings, right? Your goal is to get close to me?"

Thinking she had figured out the key to the situation, Lin Xuerou's face immediately darkened as she looked at Chu Nan coldly, "And you're still asking me who the campus beauty is? Don't you think your pick-up lines are pretty cliché? Sorry, but I'm not interested!"


Chu Nan was stunned. What kind of thinking was this?

Why did everyone in this city seem so unfriendly?

All he did was ask for some information, so why was he being ruthlessly rejected every time?

This had happened before when he asked for directions, and now it was the same when asking about people. This was too sad. Could it be that he really looked that much like a bad guy?

To be mistaken for a drifter was one thing, but to say that those three thugs were his underlings?

Goodness, since when had his underlings become so weak!

"Wait a minute!"

Chu Nan had finally connected with someone from inside the school. How could he let her go so easily?

However, Lin Xuerou was fuming and without turning her head back, she dashed into the female dormitory!

Seeing the big "No Entrance for Men" sign, Chu Nan could only look at the sign and sigh.

"Kid, don't you know that harassing a beauty is very impolite?"

Chen Youliang saw that Chu Nan had failed to impress the campus beauty and immediately burst into laughter, cursing the country bumpkin for thinking he could aspire to a swan's love, truly overestimating himself, and hence he came over to mock him.

"Oh, thanks for the advice."

Chu Nan had already noticed this guy following them, unsure of his intentions, and replied indifferently, "Then do you know who the campus beauty of this school is?"

"Holy crap, kid, are you out of your mind?"

Chen Youliang cursed. If it weren't right in front of the girls' dormitory, he would have beaten up Chu Nan! But in front of all these witnesses, he could only turn around and leave.

"Why does everyone avoid me when I ask a question? That's so weird!"

Chu Nan shook his head in frustration, planning to look around the school to see if he could be an auditing student and settle down first.

"Hey, dude!"

Just as Chu Nan was about to turn around and leave, a hand patted him, and turning his head, he saw a guy as thin as a stick, staring at him with a sly smile.

"What's up?"

Chu Nan was taken aback, wondering, was there someone who actually wanted to talk to him voluntarily?

"You're from another school here to hit on the campus beauty, right?"

The skinny guy lowered his voice: "But your outfit is not good enough, you need to change, and if you want to dig up some information, just come to me!"

"Come to you?"

Chu Nan looked the skinny stick up and down: "You know? And you're offering to tell me?"

"Telling you is no problem, but you see..."

The skinny stick smiled, making a gesture of rubbing fingers together, implying the clear need for money.