Chapter 0006 Kindergarten Level

"Of course not, but I think you could do deliveries! You have no idea—so many students are too lazy to go up and down the stairs these days. If you could do deliveries, our income would skyrocket."

Mashouzi's eyes lit up with the symbol "¥": "I'd definitely be fair to you. We'll split the income from the deliveries fifty-fifty!"

"I'll think about it."

Chu Nan considered the idea. After all, he didn't have much else to do, and making some extra cash didn't sound too bad. His old buddy was so stingy; he knew he had to rely on himself for living expenses in the future.

However, when Mashouzi heard that, he thought Chu Nan was just brushing him off and immediately got anxious. He didn't want to miss out on this great money-making opportunity: "Dude, how about we do a thirty-seventy split? You take seventy percent! What do you say?"


Chu Nan didn't want to refuse. He had important matters to deal with and needed to get settled before anything else.

"Enough with the hesitations! Think about it, even though I'm taking a thirty percent cut for nothing, you won't have to stock up on goods or worry about finding customers. Plus, if the school conducts a major inspection and seizes my stuff, you won't lose anything!"

Mashouzi quickly outlined the benefits.

"Alright, fine,"

Chu Nan nodded reluctantly: "First tell me, where are you storing all these goods?"

"Oh darn, I've been so wrapped up in talking that we've walked right past it!"

Mashouzi stomped his foot, turned around, and said somewhat embarrassedly: "Buddy, we have to walk back, sorry about that!"

"Oh, no problem."

Chu Nan didn't feel tired at all. He followed Mashouzi to an old-style dormitory building, but he was a bit puzzled inwardly: "This area is full of upscale dorms. Why are you living here?"

"It's cheap here, and there are plenty of rooms. I managed to score a whole room to myself for storing goods after persuading the dorm supervisor—otherwise, how could I share a room with anyone?"

Mashouzi said matter-of-factly: "There are pros and cons though. Business is pretty good during the day because my prices are cheaper than the campus supermarket's, but at night those lazy people don't want to come, saying it's too far to walk. The new dorm buildings all have supermarkets underneath, so they just buy from there."

Chu Nan nodded. It made sense—the place indeed seemed cheaper, and without the price advantage, probably nobody would come. He watched Mashouzi familiarly greet the dorm supervisor and then followed him into a ground floor dorm room.

As soon as he stepped in, Chu Nan was amazed. This place was practically like a mini grocery store with even a counter!

"Just put it here, we can arrange it later!"

Mashouzi called out to Chu Nan and then casually handed him a bottle of mineral water: "Quench your thirst. We can eat the stuff here too, but we have to keep track of it—we'll deduct it at the end of the month! Alright, let me introduce myself. I'm Ma Wenpu, but everyone calls me Mashouzi..."

"My name is Chu Nan."

Chu Nan stated truthfully.

"Pff, whoa there, dude, your name is pretty unique!"

Mashouzi was in the middle of drinking when he burst out laughing and splattered water everywhere: "I'm not laughing at you on purpose, but that's alright, at least your name is Choo Nan. It's better than being called something like Yang Weiqiang!"

"I'm used to it."

Chu Nan shrugged nonchalantly: "By the way, do you know how I can study here?"

"Study? Oh right—I almost forgot, you're here to hit on girls, right?"

Mashouzi said: "Then this job is even more perfect for you. Lots of cute girls come to buy stuff at night. Oh boy, those long legs, those short skirts, one glance is enough to keep you dreaming all night long..."

"Long legs, short skirts?"

Chu Nan looked at Mashouzi's leering face and was somewhat speechless.

As they were talking, someone entered the grocery store and happened to hear Chu Nan's last remark. She immediately frowned in distaste.

But thinking that she still needed to buy things here, Lin Xuerou forced back her disgust and said, "I want a pack of toilet paper and a bottle of detergent."

Mashouzi was taken aback, it was as if she had just summoned Cao Cao by talking about him!

So he quickly made faces at Chu Nan, signaling him to get the items for Lin Xuerou.

Chu Nan didn't know what was up with Mashouzi, but seeing Lin Xuerou, he couldn't help but be taken aback, "Why is it you? What a coincidence!"

Lin Xuerou, too, recognized Chu Nan at this moment, her expression of disgust intensified. How could a lecher who casually talked about "long legs" be a brave and righteous hero?

She was even more convinced that Chu Nan had planned this all along!

Seeing that Lin Xuerou was ignoring him, Chu Nan felt a bit puzzled. Could it be that this girl had a bad memory and had already forgotten her rescuer?

Forget it, people in this city all seem to have this indifferent look about them. What a strange city.

"Is this what you wanted?"

Chu Nan casually found the two items and placed them on the counter.


Lin Xuerou's face was now so red it seemed like it could drip water. She glared at Chu Nan, her chest heaving with anger, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"What did I do on purpose?"

Chu Nan was utterly puzzled after hearing the accusation, "Those three thugs weren't my doing, I swear!"

Chu Nan was clearly misunderstanding her; he was thinking about the earlier incident. However, when Lin Xuerou heard this, a scornful look appeared on her face, "Protest much? I'm not buying anymore!"

With that, she didn't give Chu Nan another glance and turned to leave.

"What kind of thought process is this!"

Chu Nan shook his head helplessly, reaching to put the items away.

"Man, you are so bold, even daring to flirt with Lin Xiaohua?"

Mashouzi patted Chu Nan's shoulder with an admiring look as if he worshipped him.

"What a jumbled mess!"

Chu Nan picked up the items to put them back in place, but the next moment, his expression froze!

In his hands, the item was clearly labeled with three big characters —— sanitary pads!

Chu Nan finally understood why Lin Xuerou had that expression. He was supposed to grab toilet paper, but he handed her a pack of sanitary pads instead!

If this wasn't flirting, then what was it? No wonder Lin Xuerou was so angry!

Chu Nan slapped his forehead, unsure how to explain himself, and after a long pause, he could only say, "Sorry, I messed up your business!"

"Oh, that's alright. The two items she was buying have the least profit anyway. The campus store is already cheap, and I have to be even cheaper here. Making a buck or fifty cents doesn't matter much."

Mashouzi waved his hand, "But dude, your way of hitting on girls is all wrong. That's kindergarten level!"

"How so?"

Chu Nan was puzzled.

"When you like a girl in kindergarten, you tend to oppose her and make life difficult for her, all to catch her attention! But that won't fly now! This is the age of the tall, rich, and handsome. If you can't rely on your father, you've got to make something of yourself!"

Mashouzi explained, "Look at me. My future goal is to establish a business empire. I'm already starting my own business now. When lots of beauties learn about it, they'll think more highly of me."