Chapter 009: The Strange Shrimp Snack

He didn't know whether she was the fiancée Hua Hua he was looking for, but if she was, it would be nice to call off the engagement right away; otherwise, there would definitely be a lot of trouble in the future.

"You... scoundrel! You've angered me to death!"

Seeing that Chu Nan showed no sign of fear, Lin Xuerou was both angry and scared, so she simply ran back into her room, buried her head in her blanket, and ignored him.

Chu Nan was puzzled; if anyone was acting like a scoundrel, it was the security chief, not him. He was just a delivery guy.

"Haha, you're quite humorous. But don't ever let my dad hear you say that, or he'd blow his top and you'd be in for it, maybe even get fired!"

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help but cover her mouth as she giggled.

Chu Nan shrugged his shoulders, but before he could speak, Zhou Yuanyuan had already checked off everything, closed the door while winking at him, and said, "Thank you, handsome! The delivery was really fast. I'll give you a five-star rating, and I'll continue to patronize in the future! Bye!"

"Wait! You haven't paid yet!"

Chu Nan thought to himself that this girl was throwing him seductive looks just to skip the bill, wasn't she? How could someone with his strong will fall for that?

With the speed of lightning, he propped the dorm door open, wondering if Lin Xuerou, his "fiancée," was her accomplice, spinning a set of bizarre words to confuse his thoughts first.

"I've already paid, just used WeChat to do it now!"

Zhou Yuanyuan showed her phone to Chu Nan as she wiggled it in front of him.

"What is that? You can pay with it?"

Chu Nan was taken aback and looked carefully only to find the three characters 'Ma Wenpu' on the screen, and the corresponding payment had been made, showing that Zhou Yuanyuan had not lied.

Only then did Chu Nan remember that Li Mengmeng had asked him to register for WeChat. However, he hadn't seen a penny and felt somewhat uneasy inside. Could it be the new form of online banking in the country?

"Hehe, you're pretending to be ignorant, aren't you, handsome boy? Who doesn't know about WeChat these days? Even my dad often posts some rumors in the Moments!"

Zhou Yuanyuan, seeing Chu Nan's puzzled face, teased him with a smile and curved eyes.

Post rumors in the Moments? Does that involve gathering friends together to spread rumors? Isn't that like a pyramid scheme?

"Alright! Handsome boy, bye-bye, see you next time!"

Seeing that Chu Nan didn't respond, Zhou Yuanyuan smiled, waved her hand, and closed the door.

Chu Nan shook his head and turned to deliver to the next room, lamenting that he was indeed out of touch with this society!

He had spent years in the remote Middle East on assignments, rarely even carrying a phone, as it was useless without a signal, let alone know about WeChat and such, so he was completely unfamiliar with all these social circles.

"Yuanyuan, don't be fooled by that guy! He's nothing but a scoundrel, and he often gets into fights too. Don't ask him to deliver things next time! It's better to buy from somewhere else!"

The moment Lin Xuerou heard the door close, she raised her head from under the blanket, still shaken, and spoke.

Lin Xuerou really was scared badly, thinking she had bad luck today, having encountered this perverted guy several times in a row. What terrible luck!

"What's there to be afraid of? Have you forgotten my dad is the head of the security department? In this school, who would dare to mess with me?"

Zhou Yuanyuan said proudly, shrugging her shoulders, started munching on her Mimi shrimp sticks, and didn't forget to share some with Lin Xuerou.

Hearing Zhou Yuanyuan say that, Lin Xuerou could only pray that Chu Nan was scared off.

She reached out to take the shrimp stick, grumbling to herself, "Look who's talking. That Chen Youliang isn't afraid of you at all, I heard his dad has a good relationship with the vice-principal, and a lot of the school's lab equipment was donated by his dad!"

Silently chewing on the shrimp stick, Lin Xuerou felt uneasy, thinking the taste was a bit off—Could it be that pervert drugged it?

Hastily setting the shrimp stick aside, Lin Xuerou pouted and lay on her bed fuming. Every time she ran into that guy, nothing good happened; it seemed she really needed to keep her distance from him in the future!

After delivering the goods, Chu Nan returned to his dormitory, pushed open the door, and found Mashouzi studying his bicycle with a troubled expression. Without paying much mind, he asked expectantly, "I've delivered all the goods, so how much did we earn today? Oh right, some payments were made via WeChat, you know about that, right?"

"Oh my god, can't you be a bit more considerate when you talk? Still talking about earning?"

Mashouzi complained with a depressed face, "How did you break this bike? Don't tell me it got run over by a road roller?"

"Where would a road roller come from in the school! It was just now trampled by a lunatic."

Recalling Chen Youliang's demeanor, it was nearly as if he had a screw loose in his head!

"Look at this, the spokes on the bike are bent, we'll need to take it to a 4S Shop for major repairs!"

Mashouzi was in pain, his face twisted in anguish as he said, "Oh my god, all the money we earned tonight has gone into this bike!"

"Damn it, is it really that serious? What the hell kind of bike is this that it's so expensive, it even needs to go to a 4S Shop?"

Chu Nan was downright stunned—since when did 4S Shops start repairing bikes? Weren't they just for cars?

"Not 4S, but '4saisi', it's the name of a bicycle shop near the school!"

Mashouzi shook his head, gazing at the broken bicycle and speaking with regret.


Chu Nan had just taken a sip of water, and he sprayed it out immediately—the name of the shop was hilariously bizarre!

"Sigh, I only just bought this mountain bike, it cost me several hundred yuan!"

Mashouzi, oblivious to Chu Nan's reaction, was counting on his fingers, calculating the cost painfully, "Just replacing the hub and spokes will cost at least two hundred!"

"No way, replacing these parts costs two hundred?"

Chu Nan was also surprised at the price, "Then next time I see that lunatic, I'll have to get him to reimburse us. We can't just suffer the loss!"

"We definitely need compensation! If he pays up, then we are still in profit tonight!"

Mashouzi slapped his thigh, opened the ledger book, carefully calculated, and then said, "Let me see... the net profit tonight is a hundred and thirty, at a seventy-thirty split... you can take ninety-one yuan!"

"Not bad, we'll keep track of that! I'll deal with that lunatic later!"

Seeing that he could make nearly a hundred in one night, Chu Nan felt that the delivery job wasn't bad and nodded in satisfaction. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "By the way, do you know how I might attend classes at this school? What procedures do I need to go through?"

Now that he had found a place to settle down, Chu Nan felt he must find a way to stay in school for a while; his immediate priority was to find the school beauty and get the marriage annulled!

"Right, you came here to pursue Lin Xiaohua. I almost forgot!"

As Mashouzi put away the ledger book, ready to continue, he suddenly caught the scent of barbecue from outside the window, and immediately patted Chu Nan's shoulder, "Come on, I'll treat you to some skewers as a welcome, and we can talk about attending classes over the meal!"