Chapter 0016: Do You Come Out, or Should I Go In?

Listening to the footsteps fading away, Lin Xuerou's heart also sank.

She thought to herself that she was doomed, even her only pack of tissue paper was lost in the dirty water, what could she do now?

She couldn't possibly run back to the dorm now, she definitely wouldn't make it half-way before...

Unable to come up with any good solution, Lin Xuerou was so anxious that she started to sweat, and out of desperation, she took out her phone and sent Zhou Yuanyuan a message asking for help on WeChat.

She silently congratulated herself for having her phone in her pocket when she went out, otherwise, she'd really be in big trouble this time!

Zhou Yuanyuan, who was happily eating chips, felt her phone vibrate on the desk. She looked down at the WeChat message, couldn't quite believe her eyes, and quickly replied, "Is that even possible? You're really unlucky!"

Patting herself down, Zhou Yuanyuan realized she hadn't brought any tissue paper and couldn't deliver another pack to Lin Xuerou.

"Yuanyuan, stop with the sarcastic remarks, please think of something to help me!"

Lin Xuerou directly sent an audio message on WeChat, her voice sounded utterly miserable, as if she were on the verge of crying.

"How can I help you? The pack of tissue paper Chen Youliang sent over, you took it all, I don't have any either..."

Zhou Yuanyuan was typing a message when suddenly she had an idea, exited the chat, and started scrolling quickly through her WeChat contacts.

"Got it!"

Zhou Yuanyuan found Ma's Department Store, adeptly placed the order, and added a note asking for immediate delivery to the second-floor women's restroom in the lecture hall.

Before sending the order, Zhou Yuanyuan pondered, worrying that because it was class time and the delivery needed to go to the restroom, the delivery person wouldn't want to go!

Therefore, to express urgency, she simply added a fifty yuan tip, murmuring in her heart, "Lin Xiaohua, Yuanyuan can only help you so far; the rest is up to your fate!"


Mashouzi was dozing off at the table when his phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Groggily picking up his phone, Mashouzi instantly sobered up, his eyes gleaming, and he quickly woke Chu Nan from his daydream, excitedly saying, "We've got business! Oh man, we've struck it rich, a fifty yuan tip! You go grab a pack of sanitary pads right now and deliver it to this address! Hurry!"

"What am I supposed to deliver? I'm in the middle of class, don't trick me!"

After hearing the address Mashouzi reported, Chu Nan couldn't help but be slightly startled; wasn't that the restroom next to the lecture hall? Could it be a prank?

Impatient, Mashouzi held his phone up to Chu Nan's face, pointing at the information, and said, "I'm not lying to you! There's really fifty yuan in it for you! Look, you're broke now, and your expenses at school are going to depend on me, right? If there's a chance to make some money, don't dawdle. Besides, you're an auditing student, you can come and go as you please, and the teacher won't say a word!"

Looking at Mashouzi's eager face, Chu Nan stood up helplessly, excused himself from the middle-aged teacher, thinking to himself: Actually, I do have money! It's just in my bank card, I arrived too hastily yesterday and didn't find an ATM...

"Remember, get the super-sized, extra-long, daytime wings, and don't get it wrong!"

When he saw Chu Nan preparing to leave, Mashouzi hurriedly reminded him in a whisper.

"Got it!"

Chu Nan nodded, turned around, and walked out of the classroom.

He couldn't concentrate on such boring lectures anyway, and his main purpose for coming to class was to find out about Lin Xuerou's situation. Since Lin Xiaohua had already left, why should he stay here doing nothing?

It'd be more practical to deliver goods and earn money!

Watching Chu Nan leave the lecture hall, Zhou Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief; it seems this handsome guy was quite efficient!

The fifty yuan was well spent!

Zhou Yuanyuan quickly typed on her phone, "Xuerou, you can relax. The sanitary pad will grow wings and fly to you soon, and it's the extra-large wings with extended daytime use type. Just wait for it!"

A few minutes later, Chu Nan ran back to his dorm to get the sanitary pad, made his way to the girls' restroom near the lecture hall, and cautiously peeked inside, only to find it eerily empty without a soul in sight.

Chu Nan wondered if someone was purposely messing with Mashouzi, giving him a hard time. Could it have been that scoundrel Chen Youliang's doing?

"Who ordered the sanitary pad? Did anyone order from Ma's Department Store? The delivery is here!"

Chu Nan hesitated for a moment before giving a tentative shout into the restroom.

Lin Xuerou was anxiously waiting inside the stall, nearly jumping out of her skin at the sound of a man's voice, almost slipping into the water pit below!

After regaining her balance with great difficulty, she felt utterly confused—why was a man delivering the order?

Wasn't Zhou Yuanyuan supposed to deliver it herself? And the voice sounded strangely familiar...

Her mind was racing with countless thoughts, and though Lin Xuerou opened her mouth, she felt too embarrassed to respond out loud.

"Is there anyone or not? Your sanitary pad has arrived!"

Chu Nan shouted into the restroom again, raising his voice.

"I... I'm in the last stall. Can you keep it down a bit?"

So Lin Xuerou eventually couldn't help herself and spoke up, trying to stop him.

If he kept shouting like this, calling other students over, she would never be able to show her face on campus again!

Chu Nan immediately recognized Lin Xuerou's voice and was taken aback!

He hadn't expected her to be the one who had placed the order. Seeing how impoverished she looked, she was actually willing to tip fifty yuan?

It was all too strange!

Nevertheless, Chu Nan didn't ponder over it for long and continued to call out, "I'm at the door. How should I give you the pad? Do you want to come out and get it, or should I go in?"

"Don't, don't, don't! Just throw it in here!"

Lin Xuerou became instantly flustered—how could this guy be so weird? Didn't he understand the principle that men and women should not enter each other's restrooms?

He was actually brazen enough to consider barging into the women's restroom!

"Are you nuts? I'm not a magician. How could I possibly throw it in there?"

Chu Nan retorted irritably.

He had already observed that the women's restroom door was closed; how could he possibly throw the pad through a closed door?

He definitely couldn't perform that kind of close-up magic.

After struggling for a while, Lin Xuerou gritted her teeth and said, "Then... then be careful and come in! Just make sure no one else notices. I'm... I'm in the last stall inside!"

Lin Xuerou reckoned that in broad daylight, that man wouldn't dare to do anything excessive, right? Otherwise, campus security certainly wouldn't let him off the hook!

After checking left and right to see there were no other people in the corridor, Chu Nan cautiously pushed the door and slipped into the girls' restroom.

Yet, upon entering, he was stunned again. The design of these stalls was absurdly secure, with intense privacy measures that prevented items from being passed over the top, unlike other restroom stalls.